Completed my upper armor, yet to be weatherd.


Well-Known Hunter
Here is my armor I made from sintra and used Rouge Studios Floquil US MED GREEN. I got the templates from Jodo_Kast, and made small modifications myself.

I then used the photos of the armor on Boba Fett Reference cd and in Photoshop scaled them to fit the template and then copied the damage marks on a piece of tape and cut out to shape and put on my armor in the right place and painted.



I securely fastened them with bolts to the west. I still have to weather the armor will do so in the next days. Wanted to let it dry completely.
Looks very goog I like the weather effect..

SEEKER if you need these colors LMK I know a hobby shop that carries tons of paints.
Looking good mobius! :thumbsup:

I am glad you posted the pics with US Med Green, as when I paint with it I am not sure if the colour looks correct. Although now that I see your pictures the colour is awesome!

Like the idea on the damage :)


You can order of the Testors Website if you live in continental US

METALLBOY - cool man!

Let me try that internet hobby shop first.

Mobius - sorry for the hijack dude :) could you also tell me the name of the shoulder color?

Thanks fellaws.
Very nice job there!!!! The weathering looks terrific!!! What yellow did you use for the weathering around the silver? it looks great!!1
Here are the templates that I got from Jodo_Kast, the changes I made to the oceral form are not here as I did that on the cardboard that I cut out first. But these are the damages I made in Photoshop. I took a picture of the real armor of the refrence cd, than I scaled it to fit the template. Made a new layer and copied the marks.

Those who want the Photoshop file of this file PM me. Than I will send you 3 files, 1 for each armor and you can print it in A4 size.

Than use what meothood you prefer to copy them on the armor. I cut out the mark i wanted and taped that over a masking tape and than cut it out with an X-acto knife.

Holy crap, I passed over this post a few times and never saw that you had used my templates. Woot!!!

I love the mods you made - the damage overlay is sweet!
Did you use the large size or did you tweek the size as well. I am in the process of upgrading to a size between large and X-Large.

On a related note, is your armor from sintra? You bevelled it really nicely.

Jodo_Kast wrote:

Holy crap, I passed over this post a few times and never saw that you had used my templates. Woot!!!

I love the mods you made - the damage overlay is sweet!
Did you use the large size or did you tweek the size as well. I am in the process of upgrading to a size between large and X-Large.

On a related note, is your armor from sintra? You bevelled it really nicely.

I used the X-large sized templates you gave me, I found that the others were to small. I´m 1.80 sm and 83 kg. My armor is from sintra.

Jango's kid wrote:

Very nice job there!!!! The weathering looks terrific!!! What yellow did you use for the weathering around the silver? it looks great!!1

I used Humbrol number 81
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