CANCELLED -Interested in SEEKER\'s all leather Jango Vest ?

Got Maul

Well-Known Hunter
CANCELLED -Interested in SEEKER's all leather Jango Vest ?


A replica of it...from the same maker. Just gauging interest here.

Good ol Turo of course did the leg work here and he was gracious enough to let me meet the person who created his awesome vest. So before you go posting or anything, make sure you thank your host on the way in. Now, onto anyone interested in a vest made by the same person who did Seeker's ? I spoke with her and I think she;s interested in doing some for the group. The cost, I believe would be perhaps AROUND 150 USD, maybe more, but WELL under 200 USD

Just keep that in would be made to your sizing and sewn just like Seeker's. I would probably do the half down now, half later bit. Just FYI, her credentials with leather are incredible..she sews leather jackets for HOG's all day and well, you've seen Turo's vest.

So only serious inteterest only as I need real numbers, so don't post unless you're for sure and the price range seems adequate.
Well, since your just "guaging Interest", you've got mine!
I've got a few questions, but I'll hold off until I know forsure this is a go or not. Keep us posted!;)
sincerely, shunned/BH-8899
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btw- haven't we done business before ?
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got maul. turo told me about this last week. i am very interested in this. count me in.

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funny thing is , is that instead of a vest just liek jangos, you say just like seekers, lol, so are we all trying to look like arturo or jango?


truely legendary :-p
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thunderbolt885 wrote:

funny thing is , is that instead of a vest just liek jangos, you say just like seekers, lol, so are we all trying to look like arturo or jango?


truely legendary :-p

I thought banned people don't talk !! lol -

The short answer to that question is...yes, yes we are trying to look like turo. Screw temura, arturo is much more interactive !
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thunderbolt885 wrote:

funny thing is , is that instead of a vest just like jangos, you say just like seekers, lol, so are we all trying to look like arturo or jango?

I want to look like Turo, he gets all the girls. :D
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okay, let's put the call in and see what she can do for the first run of five people. If there's anything I learned with hiring people out, its hitting them with a left field ball into the head when you have multiple orders
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I am thinking the first five that responded to the interest list and we'll go from there. One step at time though, lemme drop her a call today.

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Question - With our neck and shoulder armor all being different, how are we to make sure that the new vest will fit the armor? I am currently have a new vert made because my new armor will not fit my old vest.
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