Broken MoW *crys* (PICS)


I need a suggestion on how to fix a problem with my MoW Guantlets. I attached hoses to the right guantlet and one of the connectors broke off overnight. I guess the hose was too heavy for it. See Pics:





Saw your post and your photos, I'm very dissapointed to say the least !

I've been using a new ridged rubber material to cast some of the details on the new gauntlets to prevent chiping, now it seems I need to reinforce that stem on all future gauntlets.

I'm happy to do this for you if you like TK, I agree with the previous comment about drilling it out and inserting a nylon stem or wooden dowel.

I normally would use the nylon stem insert but I hoped the new ridged rubber would do the job just the same...."I was wrong" !

If anyone else comes across this problem please contact me and I will gladly fix the problem asap. please except my appologies TK and I hope this doesn't effect your confidence in me and or my work ?

Man of War Studios
Man of War Studios said:
I hope this doesn't effect your confidence in me and or my work ?

Man of War Studios



These were an honor and pleasure to work with. These are simply fine art, but these things happen and I blame the damage on those stupid Jedi. :p
I would suggest re-enforcing that one area, but keep using the rubber. I have dropped that left guanlet missle four time with no damage.
If you could send me a PM on what the repair plan would be that will be great! Maybe you can send me the new part at my cost.



Thanks for that, makes me feel ah bit better :)

I swear, you guys on TDH are all stand-up guys !!

If you have a dremel tool or the prefered black-n-decker version then I would simply boar out a clean hole about 3/8in. diameter and around 5/8in. deep then insert a dowel made of nylon or wood. A good adhesive will do the trick to secure it into place otherwise resin it into place.

It's an easy solution than removing the entire plug detail which I've secured into place using nylon plugs and fiberglass resin..

If your not comfortable doing this than please mail it back to me and I'll be glad to take care of it for you and pay for the shipping both ways...

Let me know man :thumbsup:

If it were mine, I'd go to home depot and get a very short doubled ended screw, drill a hole just a tad smaller in both parts and then just screw em together. I love those things and used them on both my prior jet pack and gauntlets. I'll post a pic of the type of screw I'm talking about if I can find one in my garage.

Hope all the bugs are figured out before I get mine. :o Still excited as heck to get them, especially after seeing Jango Uri's finished gaunt.

Man of War Studios said:
If anyone else comes across this problem please contact me and I will gladly fix the problem asap. please except my appologies TK and I hope this doesn't effect your confidence in me and or my work?
Man of War Studios said:
If your not comfortable doing this than please mail it back to me and I'll be glad to take care of it for you and pay for the shipping both ways...

Damn, your awesome MoW! I can't wait till your new jedi gauntlets come out.:thumbsup:

Holy crap THAT is a quality artist I think I will post and ask around before making another purchase. There are just way too many talented pros to keep shopping e bay. Mow .. next time I get gauntlets they'll be from you.
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