Bobamaker Helmet (with pics)

Sleeping Jiva

New Hunter
Well it arrived and I must say I'm as happy as a pig wallowing in his own filth. Already possess a blaster, gauntlets, gloves and cape however I consider this to be my first official piece of the Boba costume. I can only congratulate Daz on a job well done and use the pics as proof that his work is definitely worth all the comments he receives.
My apologies for the quality of the pics if they don't turn out too good.







oh mate, daz is doing me the entire armour for end of if i wasnt excited enough already............AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cannot wait.................j
Daz is truly a master of sculpting & painting! I received my SE Boba Fett from him last year & I get so many compliments when I am trooping. Well worth the money spent! Check out his site as he is starting on Jango armor. Time to start saving again......:lol:
Thanks for posting those pics ... I've wanted to what an ESB helmet painted by BM looks like as I bought one of BM's helmets and asked him to paint it ROTJ. He did an AWESOME job with that, dude!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
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