
Well-Known Hunter
Well, here's the progress on the back of my BKBT ESB Boba. Still a ways to go, but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


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that looks great!! Is there anyway for some close up shots?? I love to see the detail in the back.

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Yup.. When the BM2 comes, it's going straight to you.. :lol:

The back looks incredible.. awesome awesome job.. :thumbsup:
My BM1 should have gone straight to you too.. *sigh*
Got the left side mostly done...I think I can coast to the finish line from here...sorry the pics not that good...I'll take a better one tomorrow in natural lighting.


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Stunning! Like I'm surprised, Paul. I have the honor of your talent on my JP.
What color is the red, out of curiosity? I'm trying to match up the red to repaint my coinslots.
Can't wait to see the finished product.
Wow, that's a professional looking job! Great detail and balance with the colors. Your detail on the damage and scratches is really spot on.
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