Billy Dee in a commercial?


Active Hunter
Hey everyone. I'm going to be meeting Billy Dee Williams at a convention coming up. I heard he was in a colt 45 commercial after Star Wars and I was thinking I would get him to sign one. Do you think he would be offended? Has anyone seen this commercial?
Hey everyone. I'm going to be meeting Billy Dee Williams at a convention coming up. I heard he was in a colt 45 commercial after Star Wars and I was thinking I would get him to sign one. Do you think he would be offended? Has anyone seen this commercial?

You can probably find it on U-tube.

Here you go, Enjoy
Hey everyone. I'm going to be meeting Billy Dee Williams at a convention coming up. I heard he was in a colt 45 commercial after Star Wars and I was thinking I would get him to sign one. Do you think he would be offended? Has anyone seen this commercial?

He has no problem signing Colt 45 stuff. Carida was with him at the PBurg Toy Show, and I saw him sign that kinda stuff all weekend.
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