BatNinja's Vest Sewing - SGB's October Order


Well-Known Hunter
I thought I would create a new thread to keep track of my vest sewing orders from SkyGunBro's recent fabric order. This will be the place to go to check for your status.

1. Skirata - PAID 9/29 - XL - WITH CUTOUT - SHIPPED 12/17 - RECEIVED
2. Stormwalker - PAID 10/01 - L NO CUTOUT - SHIPPED 12/17
3. Hellcop - PAID 10/04 - XL - WITH CUTOUT - SHIPPED 12/28
4. Boba Booey PAID 10/05 - XL - WITH CUTOUT - SHIPPED 12/28
5. Bubba Fett - PAID 10/08 - L - NO CUTOUT - SHIPPED 12/28



PM me with any questions!
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Forgive my igorance, but what is the crescent shaped lower back cutout for on the jet pack cutout?

some people (like me) have a harness system involving a belt. i actually have my belt attached to the jet pack. a strip of nylon webbing riveted on, with the us divers buckle on the front. it gives the look of the movie harness, and keeps the pack from slipping around.

since the belt on the movie suit is under the vest, you need to either have a cutout to get the belt where it needs to go, or you bunch things up / fold them over / whatever.
Folks, I've had some family and personal issues over the past month, so I sincerely apologize for the delay in getting these done and shipped.

I will put in some overtime this week, and I hope to have them all shipped out by Sunday. Thanks for your patience!
I know this has been said before but not by me. I got mine today and it is superbly stitched. Fits perfectly. The interior has lines of stitching that are not visible from the outside layer making it tougher. This is definite quality work Thank you for doing this for us.
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