Attaching the hoses to the gauntlets


Well-Known Hunter
Attaching Hoses to Gauntlets

I have my Gauntlets done and I can't seem to keep the hoses attached. Any ideas?
I'm by no means an expert on any of this, but I'll do my best. Are those cone-things on the gauntlets connectors? If they are, you could check if they attach to anything. Or just simulate this by ppushing the hoses over the pegs and epoxy them on. Some of the longer pegs might be too long, you might have to cut them down. I'm surprised no one else has chimed in yet to varify anything I've said, as I don't want to mess up your gauntlets by suggesting the wrong thing. I'm somewhad of a nooB at this myself. C'mon, guys. *hint hint* Anyway, my suggestion would be to push the hoses over the pegs up to the connectors and epoxy them there.
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Packrat has got the right idea. I used wooden pegs on my gauntlet although you could use metal. I didn't glue my hoses to mine so that if they do get snagged on something, they will just pop off rather than damage my gauntlet.

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You have to make sure the diameter of your pegs is the same, if not a tad bigger, as the inner diameter of the hoses. The fit should be snug. I have to twist my hoses onto the pegs and take them off the same way. But if someone yanked on them, they should pop off without damaging my gauntlet. If yours keep sliding off, try wrapping some masking tape around the pegs until you get the desired effect.
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I just got done applying my metal hoses to my Gauntlets, don't have pics as o yet. But I attached them with a screw & threw some cusioning around the screw so it wouldn't slip off, then super glued the hoses to the screws. Looks really good to, can't see the screws or anything. Just one more step closer til I'm done with Jaster... :D
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BobaFettish wrote:

You have to make sure the diameter of your pegs in the same, if not a tad bigger, as the inner diameter of the hoses. The fit should be snug. I have to twist my hoses onto the pegs and take them off the same way. But if someone yanked on them, they should pop off without damaging my gauntlet. If yours keep sliding off, try wrapping some masking tape around the pegs until you get the desired effect.

I will try that.
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I install and superglue either 1/4" metal dowel rod or 1/4" threaded rod that is about 2" long inserted in the gauntlet end and epoxy the hose to it.

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