ASW vs. MOM Gauntlet Paint Job

Someone correct me if I'm way off here, but I believe the set that shows the "gold" weathering on the right gaunt is the stunt.
For the left gaunt, I think the stunt is the one with a big chunk broken off just below/in front of the calc pad.
the MoM are hero imo, as the AOSW have indeed the kind of gold weathering on the right gaunt, are totally messed up on the right side of the left gaunt, and overall don't have the tiny detailed scratches on them...

and the kind of grey dust on the stunt's from Aosw..
Not to throw the discussion for a loop, but I don't believe the AoSW or MoM gauntlets are the "hero" gauntlets- at least not the right gaunt.

Pics to follow!
So ....

Right - Stunt (Gold Weathering)
Left - Stunt (Broken on right side)

Right - Stunt
Left - Hero?

Help me tylerdurden ... your my only hope. :lol:
Joe Johnson mentions having to throw some of Fett's parts away becuase they where messed up. Could these pieces have been broken and scraped?
Doh! I spent the better part of the evening researching the Jedi gauntlets with a friend, and by the time we finished, I was spent.

First, I'm hesitant to label the gauntlets "hero" or "stunt." Generally "stunt" pieces are of lower quality or finishing work than the "hero," and I don't see any delineation in quality among the gauntlets we see on exhibit.

Anyway, It's going to take a little time to sort out decent quality images, but in the mean time, the AOSW Left gauntlet is the primary gauntlet used in both the US and UK Jedi filming locations and in publicity stills.
cal196 said:
Joe Johnson mentions having to throw some of Fett's parts away becuase they where messed up. Could these pieces have been broken and scraped?

The majority of Fett's parts on tour are screen-used; it's the amount of screen time that varies.
Thanks tylerdurden. Take a break and have a beer. :cheers

Updated terms ...

Right - Secondary (Gold Weathering) ?
Left - Primary Filming & Publicity (Broken on right side)

Right - Secondary ?
Left - Secondary ?
The AOSW right gauntlet is used in the scenes where Fett is standing on the Skiff, roping Luke. Note: it is not the same gauntlet used when he falls on the skiff floor.

*Credit to Brak's Buddy for creating the comparison image*

tylerdurden said:
The AOSW right gauntlet is used in the scenes where Fett is standing on the Skiff, roping Luke. Note: it is not the same gauntlet used when he falls on the skiff floor.

*Credit to Brak's Buddy for creating the comparison image*

Thanks tylerdurden & Brak's Buddy. :thumbsup:

Now ... more questions than answers.

Which gauntlet was used when he falls on the skiff floor? MoM? Another gauntlet?

Would the AoSW Right Gauntlet be considered the "primary" RoTJ gauntlet? One scene can be matched, but was it used in others?
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Gator Fett said:
Which gauntlet was used when he falls on the skiff floor? MoM? Another gauntlet?

We don't really see much of the "fall down" gauntlet, but we do see enough to be fairly confident that it is neither the MoM or AoSW right gauntlet.

Would the AoSW Right Gauntlet be considered the "primary" RoTJ gauntlet? One scene can be matched, but was it used in others?

Personally, I'd say the AOSW right gauntlet is not the "primary" ROTJ, but it's certainly debatable. Another gauntlet, which is not on exhibit, appears throughout the Jabba's palace scenes and in promotional stills. So, I lean toward that gauntlet being primary, but again, it's debatable.

There are few Buttercup Valley/Yuma scences detailed enough to positively ID the gauntlets, so at the moment, it's tough to say where else they might pop up.
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