For Sale Armor Flash Sale - Limited Space

Neo Fett

Active Hunter

Ordering some plastic for more armor kits so I've decided to sell 5 kits for the lowest I've ever priced them to help pay for the cost of plastic. These will ship no earlier than the end of August.

These armor kits are also more accurate than before.

A completely re-made center diamond with laser cut metal inserts. The center diamond has been resized and re-sculpted to the right size and with all the same wonkyness as the original. This new shape is highly accurate and was designed after a production-made diamond recently sold at auction.


The ab plate has also further been revised and with guides marks for where to drill the holes. This ensures the plastic isn't curved at the edge of the holes just like the original.

The chest display cutout size, position, and cutout has also been adjusted.

Plus many other tweaks to various dents and shape of parts.
Don't miss out!
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