Other Bounty Hunter Ariana's "Vhonte Tervho" Fem-Mando Build (Pic Heavy!)


New Hunter
Hey Guys!

So I may be jumping the gun a little bit, but I had some free time tonight and decided to start doing some prep work for my Vhonte Tervho Build. I know that depending on who you ask this can also be armor for Rav Bralor, but I've decided to go with Vhonte for a few reasons:

  1. The original artist and character creator, Tom Hodges, named her as such (According to his artwork title here) and that makes me happy :)
  2. Rav Bralor has been depicted with very short hair in action figure form, whereas the available artwork that precedes the action figure shows Vhonte with long braids, which I intend to include in the build:

Mand-Group_small.jpg Mandalady.jpg Vhonte_Tervho_Print_by_Hodges_Art.jpg

So here's what I have done so far!

First, I stripped down and made a t-shirt / tunic out of a garbage bag. This was very simple. I made a hole in the bottom center of the bag for my head, then a hole on each of the sides starting from the corner. All of these were approximately 6 inches wide.

Next, I had my sister wrap me in duct tape. We started with a full roll and ended up using about half the width of the roll. This is what I looked like:

20150421_232358250_iOS.jpg 20150421_232354466_iOS.jpg

Then, my sister cut a straight line up the spine to get me out. I then taped up the cut and had my first torso dummy!

20150421_234739324_iOS.jpg 20150421_234803370_iOS.jpg
(Can't figure out why these uploaded sideways. They're the correct orientation on my PC...)

I stuffed the dummy with some pillows and mounted it on a hat stand. It some how came out to be my exact shoulder height, which was serendipitous! I printed out some of wizardofflight's Jango Fett Templates, and started experimenting with placement on the dummy. These are great, but they weren't made for people with boobs, so I had to improvise a bit. The orange tape is me trying to match the lines of the armor in the above reference photos to an actual human body. My torso isn't nearly as long as Vhonte's! And my boobs are a bit bigger.....

20150422_020759655_iOS.jpg 20150422_020708950_iOS.jpg 20150422_020908103_iOS.jpg
(Again, not sure why these uploaded the wrong way >_<)

Anyway, that's where I am now. I wanted to get a feel for how pieces would actually fit on me before I get into shaping the actual materials. I'm still not 100% decided on what material I will be using, but I'm starting to lean towards Sintra. I've never worked with it before so I'm a bit nervous about spending money on it, though I love builds that I've seen using this material.

I have high (perhaps unrealistic) hopes of enlisting with the 501st with this build, though I don't see Vhonte on the approved list :unsure. Rav Bralor is on the list, however. Anyone know the 501st Legion's stance (if any) on Vhonte Tervho?

I'm really looking forward to getting this build going and hearing everyone's feedback!
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Before you purchase any Sintra maybe go into some local hardware (and probably other stores) and see first if they're signage is made of it, then if they're willing to get rid of it. My wife works at lowes and brought me big 4'x4' sheets of 1/8" and 1/4"
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Before you purchase any Sintra maybe go into some local hardware (and probably other stores) and see first if they're signage is made of it, then if they're willing to get rid of it. My wife works at lowes and brought me big 4'x4' sheets of 1/8" and 1/4"
That's a good idea. I'll have try my local shops :-)

Looking forward to the build. I've never seen the character before, but she's got a cool getup.


* * *

So after a fair amount of research I've decided I'm going to give vacuum forming a try. XRobots has a great video tutorial that he posted in this thread:


It's an easy enough project and best part is I probably won't need to buy much for the construction.
Ariana's &quot;Vhonte Tervho&quot; Fem-Mando Build (Pic Heavy!)

Do you have access to a table or are you going to construct your own?
Do you have access to a table or are you going to construct your own?

I'm going to construct my own based on XRobots' video. I have woodwork experience and this seems fairly simple. The bonus is that I have many of the necessary materials lying around.
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Lookin good so far! Love the dedication to the original character as well as your methods. Looking forward to how this comes out!
If you decide to go back to sintra, I'd be happy to answer any questions. I've used it quite a bit. Like any material, it has its pros and cons. : )
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