Anyone know this seller?


New Hunter
Does anyone know this seller on ebay - brendanajohnson - sells fg helms out of Australia. Does anyone know what the quality is like? Not buying, just curious.
I've seen those buckets sold, but the paint job is horrible and the stalk is way too short. I don't know about the bucket's integrity, but you also have no idea what you're getting, since the same photos are used for every auction.
He's selling casts of the Altmann's Fett helmet. The rest of his resin parts for sale I don't doubt are recast, and horribly done ones at that!
First thing im new here and looking for a boba fett helmet,wheres the best place to buy a helmet or should i buy one on ebay.Ebay has a fiberglass one for $150.00 is that a good deal. Is Devenaroo (ebay ID)helmet a good helmet for $150.00. I just need a little help to start my quest.Thanks
flip said:
First thing im new here and looking for a boba fett helmet,wheres the best place to buy a helmet or should i buy one on ebay.Ebay has a fiberglass one for $150.00 is that a good deal. Is Devenaroo (ebay ID)helmet a good helmet for $150.00. I just need a little help to start my quest.Thanks

I am realitively new here, but I have put together a couple costumes. The main rule I follow is to save enough money to buy the best parts available. If you buy a $150 helmet you can bet there will one that comes along that looks twice as good for $250. And you'll be kickin yourself later.;)
GCNgamer128 said:
If you want a great fiberglass bucket, PM BobaMaker or Marrow Sun, both great helmets. Good price for both also. Marrow doesn't have a website, but BobaMaker does.

Yeah I think that the next helmet, and probably last, that I buy will be a BobaMaker deluxe with the upgraded rangefinder. I would love to have a BM jet pack, but I just don't want to drop over $500 bucks for it.
Buckets like other parts of the costume fall into the "you get what you paid for" catigory. Take the MS3 for example... yes its a little bit more expensive then his first MS1 but it has many corrections making it "Feel" more like what it is imitating and has the easy plug n play ear caps in optional cold cast resin. Things like this improve the over all look of the costume. In my opinion a good artist can make a bla helmet look GREAT!! but when it comes to the nitpicky details and the sculpt, its you the owner that has to be happy with it.

Another plus to paying a bit more is there is usualy less prep work or moding to be done. The bobamaker bucket comes fully primed if I am not mistaken and ready to paint! The MS3 is clean as a whistle as well and comes ready to go with only the most minor of sanding and then priming.

Save the cash and get a better one and you will have a better helmet to enjoy and work on. Just dont buy that concert ticket, dont go to that movie, hold off on drinking with your budy, bing your lunch to work for a few weeks... and you will have the extra cash! ;)
I have one of these buckets and they are not to bad. I got a raw kit from him so it was just primed. I did some bondo and sanding and am still in the process of getting it all ready for paint. This helmet will need some work to get it just right. But for the price I could justify the work I have to put in. Plus with the cost difference between the Can/Aus dollar it was even a better deal.
The ear caps are a little rough but like I said it will need some work.
I'm completly happy with mine.:)
PreludeRm said:
I have one of these buckets and they are not to bad. I got a raw kit from him so it was just primed. I did some bondo and sanding and am still in the process of getting it all ready for paint. This helmet will need some work to get it just right. But for the price I could justify the work I have to put in. Plus with the cost difference between the Can/Aus dollar it was even a better deal.
The ear caps are a little rough but like I said it will need some work.
I'm completly happy with mine.:)

Yeah I like the one that I got, its nice and for the price it can't be beat.
flip said:
First thing im new here and looking for a boba fett helmet,wheres the best place to buy a helmet or should i buy one on ebay.Ebay has a fiberglass one for $150.00 is that a good deal. Is Devenaroo (ebay ID)helmet a good helmet for $150.00. I just need a little help to start my quest.Thanks
Personally I think MS is the best, but if you want to spend about $150.00 I would without a doubt go with SGB.
flip said:
How much is a MS helmet? bobamaker are $283.00 shipped and what is a SGB helmet ,Thanks
For future reference, I was at one time warned not to put direct prices of other people's work on the boards. I'll PM you the answer.
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