Andy's Din Djarin BoBF/S2 Costume Build


Active Hunter
Howdy everyone, I've been frequenting this board for over 13 years and been on the Din Djarin costumers guild on Facebook for a year now and after much research I finally started buying items for my mando last December. Below is my build list for reference, aiming for initially basic approval for a BoBF Din and will endeavor for L2 once a benchmark is available.

Soft Parts and Leather Bits

~ Flight suit top, bottom, flak vest, neckseal, cummerbund, apron, and cape ~ The DarkSide Closet (Ordered amended with CRL changes/Waiting.)

~Additional leather apron, and cape ~ Debora Di Meo (Waiting for arrival)

~ Bandolier, belt, holster, left shin straps, right shin leather wrapped in rubber shin form. ~ Debora Di Meo (Arrived)

~ Boots ~ Crowprops (Ordered/Waiting)

~ Gloves ~ Modded stomper gloves ~ The DarkSide Closet (Ordered/Waiting)

Metal Components

~Front buckle, sling clip, grav charge holder, belt plate, swivel mount, tri-glide, knee darts, bandolier and shin cylinders ~ JJ Industries (Arrived)


~ Helmet, chest, abs, left thigh, right thigh, knee, back, hips, butt, left shin, pauldrons, hand plates and gauntlets ~ NomadProps (Arrived)

~ Rising Phoenix with harness ~ Jon Stark using Josh Gaetz’s [Chamanleon FX] file (Ordered/Waiting)


~ Blaster ~ Cris Martinez [3DFanatics] using Big Fred’s Customs file with Emmanuel Colón Fernández [Filament Freedom] wood grip (Ordered/Waiting)

~ Vibroblade ~ RedzProps (Arrived)

~ Grav charges ~JJ Industries (Arrived)

~ Darksaber ~ Korbanth Sabers (Need to buy)

~ Grogu ~ Ralph Sutter 3D modeled design, cast in silicone/painted by Nigel Chua with custom tailored coat (Ordered/Waiting)

~Child bag ~ Debora Di Meo (Arrived)

First update is on armor! Photos from a few stages of progress come courtesy of the ever talented Sean Gerardi aka NomadProps, an absolute standup guy he’s expertly handling my helmet, armor and electronics package. And yes, the backplate was adjusted kindly by Sean to the correct smooth CRL one before anybody points it out lol. Most of these parts were resin printed on a Phrozen SonicMega 8k then fiberglass reinforced. A bit left to go on a few pieces but I should be receiving my first mystery box of goodies soon! Next update will cover the tasset armor and some electronics!






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Finally! Been waiting for you to post your build! Coming together nicely! Sean does AMAZING work - and I think you’re probably one of his last commissions for a while. Can’t wait to see the finished product! Keep us posted!
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Finally! Been waiting for you to post your build! Coming together nicely! Sean does AMAZING work - and I think you’re probably one of his last commissions for a while. Can’t wait to see the finished product! Keep us posted!
It's long overdue I know haha! I've been keeping quiet for months until more tangible progress came together on many parts. You're right I'm Sean's second to last armor commission before he retires. Right under the wire too, I sent my submission in all the way back in October of last year! Well worth the wait especially considering this set will reflect the approvable legion guidelines.
A few modestly big updates to share first news on the helmet! It was love at first sight more than a year ago when I was scouting for one and saw NomadProps take on it. There are a lot of really great Din buckets available right now and each has their own characteristics and I won't choose sides which is best but for me this one met all my preferences.

My helmet is still progressing but it's shaping up to be a real stunner. Now onto the backplate, Sean kindly re-sanded/filled in the inaccurate line detail to meet the updated CRL standard and its already primed for paint.

Now in case you were wondering when do I get my first shipment? Well spoilers, I already have! I'll be posting about it next time!


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Hahaha prepare yourself, back in August of last year Darren Pattenden the creator of the Great Ape files made a correction to the backplate model because what everyone thought was a machined groove detail in the beskar backplate was in fact not that at all. But probably a break. They actually used a broken one a few times during production lol.

After it was discovered within the community all the latest versions of the GA files were amended to reflect the correct geometry of the beskar backplate which is identical to the pre-beskar backplate, but with a beskar finish. A lot of vendors and builders were/still using the older model were unaware it wasn't accurate. You'll need the right backplate for a S1 now and BOBF Din if you're looking for legion approval or just use a jetpack and you don't need the backplate at all.


Whoa!! Wait though, did you say if I’m using the jetpack setup, then I don’t need the backplate for CRL approval? I was only planning on going for season 1 Beskar version.
Right now based on what I've read you can't have the mudhorn signet or jetpack for the S1, however the backplate on the site is still the inaccurate one. I would check with your local GML team that handles the approvals and have a chat about it.

Another happy milestone marked on this journey my helmet and armor have arrived! Everything came impeccably made and packaged by my Beskar Guru NomadProps! Models come courtesy of Great Ape Studio, the bestest aluminum knee darts from JJ Industries, the helmet was cast molded and the armor resin printed on a Phrozen Sonic Mega 8k, fiberglass reinforced then painted and finished in Imperial Surface alumaluster.

This set is just beautiful in person as it looks in the photos outta the lightbox. I can’t begin to describe what a surreal feeling it was putting on that bucket for the first time, it was a moment almost two years in the making and putting me a step closer to that someday soon that seemed absolutely improbable when I started.

I owe a debt of gratitude to all the incredibly talented people who have been so generous with their advice and of course my family and friends who are a pillar of support I lean on everyday.















Aw thanks Dan! Sean did a magnificent job on the finish and weathering, just the right balance of shine and filth lol. I can't wait to get my soft parts and starting fitting everything.
Today’s update has been ages overdue not because I was waiting for the items but because I wanted to share them properly with my new photo setup, here is my gorgeous 3rd generation genuine Italian leather bandolier, belt and leg greaves set made by the incomparably talented and kind Debora Di Meo!

As for all those exquisitely machined aluminum bits along with the holster, grav charges and shin form come courtesy of the lovely Karen and Luke Daley of JJ Industries!

I cannot sing their praises enough as makers and as people, the dedication they have for their crafts and this community is utterly inspiring. While they all look amazing pristine everything is getting weathered and those aluminum cylinders will be treated with some oil paints soon.

















It all looks AMAZING! Congrats man!

Deb does amazing work - still waiting on some items from her.

It looks as though she uses a different leather on the bandolier/belt/holster than Delta Leatherworks does. I’d be curious to know if hers is more screen-accurate. I think it might be.
It all looks AMAZING! Congrats man!

Deb does amazing work - still waiting on some items from her.

It looks as though she uses a different leather on the bandolier/belt/holster than Delta Leatherworks does. I’d be curious to know if hers is more screen-accurate. I think it might be.
Thanks! She makes some great stuff but her lead times have reasonably gone up, what pickups are you getting for your kit from her?

The leather varies from each vendor, she consults with Luke Daley who's an advisor with the BHG a fair bit in regards to getting as much of the detailing correct as possible for her items. Weathering for sure will get it where it needs to be and If I wanted to I can go a touch darker with some leather dye.
Thanks! She makes some great stuff but her lead times have reasonably gone up, what pickups are you getting for your kit from her?

The leather varies from each vendor, she consults with Luke Daley who's an advisor with the BHG a fair bit in regards to getting as much of the detailing correct as possible for her items. Weathering for sure will get it where it needs to be and If I wanted to I can go a touch darker with some leather dye.
I ordered her leg wrap, cape, and new flak vest. The leg wrap is the one I’m most excited for :)
There are a few really high skilled makers that offer this greave using the JJ shin form but her's just hits different in all the right ways, it will plug in nicely into your kit Dan along with the rest of the new additions coming!
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