And yet another helmet progress thread

I said I would get some pics of my bucket up when I had some substantial work done on it. Keep in mind that this is an amiadfilter recast (Dangit why didn't I find this place first:thumbsup:). The parts of the visor that are missing I have knocked out myself. It did not come like that.

Also, ALL DAMAGE has been applied topically. There is NO silver undercoat to scratch away at. This is all hand painted with very small brushes. And since I haven't touched a model kit in years I think I'm doing rather well for eyeballing it. I have not applied any other elemnts to the damage other than the silver and grey. The dark maroon, rust and earthy details I'm gonna do later.

Lemme know what yall think, suggestions comments.
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Looking real good.:thumbsup: I might cut out the visor completely and sand the inner edge, before you go too far. That way you can paint the inner edge and the rest all together.
mrgr8ness said:
Looking real good.:thumbsup: I might cut out the visor completely and sand the inner edge, before you go too far. That way you can paint the inner edge and the rest all together.

Yeah, that is what I was gonna do next. I need to get a dremel. Probably next week. That way I can also cut out the circuit board vents in back and some other jagged pecies sticking out inside.
It actually looks even better in natural light. The camera flash makes the grey appear a lot brighter than it really is. I also have to apply something to take the gloss off the dark green upper cheeks. I couldn't find the RLM Green in the rogue studios thread so I mixed SP Green from Floquil and a flat black to make it darker.
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