And so it begins.......kinda


New Hunter
Well thanks to Moncal & Judz Dwed our Zam is underway.

What great work from both. We really appreciate all the work they have put in to help us get our Zam pieces up and running.

We have started on some greeblies, but not sure if we have got them the right size, any help in this area would be appreciated.

Well here is what we now have, and the real work starts tomorrow - trimming, cleaning and then painting. Stretching and sun bleaching the leather. Then cutting and attaching the leather to the leg armour.

The journey has we started in August, and now the real process is beginning.

Again thanks to all of you for your tips and advice. We will post more photos as we progress, but to is what we have


Once again thanks to you all (especially ZIA and those mentioned above) for all the help in these threads, everyones attempts whether great or not, help all of us progress in our costumes.

Cheers from Oz

Kraig & Wendy


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You're more than welcome!!! I see you put the blaster together :) looks great.

Good luck and don't hesitate to ask questions here. Us "old timers" will chime in at some point even though we're not around as often as we used to be :)
WOW! My fiance for some reason decided that she wants to do Zam. So hopefully all this beautifull parts will still be available soon.

Well, it's been a while since we posted, we're further along than it seems, here's a teaser.........



We hope you think it's ok, we couldn't have done it if it weren't for MonCal and Judz dwedd and their wonderful creations :thumbsup:




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Thanks very much for your compliments, I really do appreciate it :)

Here's the helmet, I'm not completely happy with it, I rushed it because I need it for the weekend, I can do better.




It's dusk here at the moment, so the lighting's off, but I think you get the idea.


Kraig & Wendy


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Guys this man knows how to put together a quality costume...Kraig absolutly beautiful work mate!!!

Ill say it again cant wait to see this later on in the month!!!

Great Work!!!!
Hey Al, thanks for the compliment Mate, I'm looking forward to seeing Boba in the flesh.

I'll try and do a tutorial in the future, but it's basically trial and error. Measurements will depend on the helmet, which helmet it is and does it have a FG brim or a leather one. I intend on putting a leather one on in the future, but this was a rush job.

Some parts are....

The links are for illustration only, not the exact parts.

Connection to the binoc's......Radio control/servo ball and cup...... Products | RPM R/C Products

Connection to the helmet......Go Kart tie rod ends.......... Go Kart Tie Rod - Jacks Small Engines

Lower armature....................Aluminium bar 12 x 3 x 1mm.........Hardware store.

Upper armature....................Square brass tube 5 x 5mm and square brass tube to slip snug over it to get the stepped look to the top armature...

Connection into the binoc's... round brass tube (see one of the above links)

Rub n Buff to make the brass look silver.

The reason for the use of brass is that it's easy to solder the screws and nuts for the rc ball and cups instead of tapping solid rod.

I did however pinch some parts off an already existing armature we had, but the parts are easily obtainable, I just did it to help me get it together quicker.


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MonCal said:
That's comin' along great Kraig!!! :) I can't wait to see it all finished.

To be honest, and I know this is going to come across as cheezy, but it helps when I've got such great creations to work with :thumbsup:

Just to let some folks know, the toe guards are as we got them, no clean-up required. The same goes with the gauntlets and helmet (apart from trimming), absolutely beautiful work!


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