Almost finished my ESB rifle.


Active Hunter
I'm almost done with this. I just added the real V8 side greeblies. Thanks to Lonepigeon for the great idea with the ABS pipe spacer to make them more secure :)

Only thing missing now is the sling strap... which is coming soon!






Good God! That's a thing of beauty! Get a sling/strap on there, weather it and it's done. Let ask you this.... I see you have some sling "studs" already mounted... do you plan to just use standard sling swivels or are you going to put a type of "O" ring. Just wondering, as I'm working on the same project.
Yes I'll be adding a sling strap. I'm having a professional leather worker make me one which will be an almost perfect replica of the real Webley slings. Even the snap hook will be almost spot on.

Those sling studs are actualyl modified picture frame hooks and are almost perfect. I'll be adding left over Denix Broomhandle lanyard o-rings to them. That's what the real Webley sling I saw looked like.

SaxeCoburg said:
Good God! That's a thing of beauty! Get a sling/strap on there, weather it and it's done. Let ask you this.... I see you have some sling "studs" already mounted... do you plan to just use standard sling swivels or are you going to put a type of "O" ring. Just wondering, as I'm working on the same project.
Its one of the old HS Bronze Webley replicas with wooden stock.
Heyland 3 cell flash tube (very similar to the MPP)
MLC fiberglass scope mounts/blocks
MLC fiberglass stock boxes
Resin split plugs (All my real ones on my Vader Reveal neckbrace)
Correct vintage scope rings
Correct ASI scope
Real V8 connector arms (I think that's what they're called anyway!)
DL 44 Blaster barrel clamps

The hooks for the sling are modified picture frame hooks. And I've just recently added the lanyard rings (discarded rings from Broomhandle Mausers).

SMGesus said:
Looks beautiful Kurt! Did you make this from a kit? Or scratch built? Either way very impressive!
Wooooo-Hooooo!!! Marcus, that turned out AWESOME!! I can only hope I can make my HS Webley turn out half as nice!!

8) 8) 8)

Well done bro, well done!

take care,

That is the best Ive seen so far & I love the work on the stock. Damn gotta start an ESB, Im preying for a new run of the Webley by HB also on the hunt for a 3 cell or 2 cell Heiland, have never found an MPP but I'll keep looking! Nice one gives newbies like me hope.
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