All the kit so far...


Active Hunter

When my mate saw this today he gasped and said it'd be a year before I finish. I think he's right but huge thanks goes to this board as I would be completely lost without all the expertise found here. I might have finished sooner but it wouldn't have been as good.

Time to get on with it.
MLC blaster, The Real Gloves and TK-409 cape... Lots of money on that table and there are plenty more things to get.

I'm borrowing a friends Don Post Fett to warm up my airbrush skills but I'm really looking forward to the painting.
MLC armor, JP, helmet and sidearm. I did a bulk MLC purchase right off the bat. Rufkin gauntlets. I thought the gauntlets were pretty rough but it turns out they all are like that, I might replace them eventually.

The helmet I'm not 100% happy with. The visor corners are cracked and the front mandibles are not flush, they will need to be pushed apart with the visor to be correct, see here and here and here. I didn't think it was a problem until I joined TDH and saw most helmets held the right shape without a visor, maybe it was shipping damage. Then again, maybe this is normal too, I'm still learning as I go. :)
:eek: Dang! I would say you have a good start!

It's going to take me a while to get to the point where you are today!
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I'm still a noob, but the as long as the structural integrity of the bucket is ok the small cracks are fine. You can fill them, or just paint over them, that's right where battle damage is applied to the areas. Also, the visor and mandibles are likely shaped that way purposely due to the asymmetrical movie prop. If you check some other threads here at TDH, you'll see that the orginal bucket in the movie had a slight dip in the brow over the left eye. Again, input from some of the senior members or expert prop builders on the site might have better info. Good luck, and you're well on your way to a great ESB Fett .
If the cracks arent that deep then your best bet would probably be a blob of superglue over them, you can then sand it once its dry, alternatively, if they are worse then you can lightly bondo over them and also inside to strengthen the seal, and once again sand it smooth, looking at the photos they are totally repairable :cheers
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