Aaah, my first Jango bucket...

Bought this on good old Ebay as my first Jango helmet. What do you guys think?

(I still need to glue on a piece on the right ear cap though)

Anyway, the guy in the last two pictures seems okay with it :lol:








wait, so is tihs a 12' inch figure helmet, or a full size, the last 2 pics not me confused

looks good, and i think its a full size

Thanks for the compliments guys! The last two are indeed from a Hasbro 12" figure, just for fun :) The helmet itself is a full size, though I'm not too sure which version. In the Ebay-description he said it was Mystery sized, but I'm not sure.
It's indeed a shame he didn't mod everything, but I'm more than happy with how it came out. I'm not too picky about all the details for my first one, just happy to have one :thumbsup:
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