I´ve Rub&Buffed my BKBT but it looks porous. Why?


Active Hunter
Hey guys, i´ve been HOURS buffing my BKBT but it looks porous. I´m not able to get a smooth surface. I aplied it directly to the priming layer that came with the helmet. Did I make anything wrong? Or I just need to rub it more?
The helmet isn't ready as is for R & B, or even paint for that matter. After I fix any areas requiring attention, I will give the helmet several layers of primer and then sand it to a very smooth finish.
Damn it. Then I should remove the rub & buff, give it some layers of primer, sand it, and R&B it over the sanded primed?

But the BKBT helmet comes primed... isnt it?

Thanks :(
Yeah it has a layer of primer, but it is in NO condition to be painted. Primer doesn't lay flat when applied. Grab some super fine sand paper or 00 steel wool and smooth the surface. R & B adds the look of metal, it does not change the surface of what you are painting. So the surface must be smooth before hand, but you might not have to remove the R&B, just sand that layer VERY SMOOTH and start over.

Even when you paint something with spray paint, it's not perfectly smooth. After I spray paint something I use 00 steel wool and smooth the surface, then clear coat. And when the clear coat dries, then that needs smoothed, then buffed.
I see... Well, rub & buff is already removed because i´ve got a really amazing solvent that removes it in seconds. Then if I sand the layer of primer that comes with the BKBT, ill be ready to r&b it?
Sorry because i look so dumb......

Thanks buddy
You'll need to primer, wet sand, primer, wet sand, primer, wet sand until you get a smooth and clean surface.
It's possible, just make sure the surface is as smooth as you want it to be. Actually the AFAIK the surface does not need to be primed. R&B can be used on all sorts of surfaces, many of which are not primed. So unless R&B is incompatible with the resins used in BKBT's helmets, you should be OK if you wear through portions of the primer. However, I would do my best not to rub through. Even though it might stick, you might end up with inconsistencies in the finish.

Your eyes are not always the best judge. Close your eyes and move your hand over the helmet, you will be able to feel any imperfections. I can feel the slightest dip on the right hand side of my BKBT helmet. I can only see it when I move the helmet and the reflections change.

This is not something you want to rush, waiting can be painful but ultimately rewarding.
My BKBT required some sanding and a secomd primer layer before it was ready for a shine with R&B. I wet sanded the second primer coat with 600 grit and applied a test coat of R&B just to see if I missed and fine scratches left by my sander. Below is the results of the test application of R&B.

back helm.jpg
Although my helmets come with a sandable surface primer coat, to achieve the best results wetsand, prime, & wetsand again. If you use a sandable primer that builds up on the surface, any minor blemishes & low spots will be filled & the surface will be smooth.
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