*****Tim\'s MSH2 ESB Paint Job***** FINALLYQuality pics: 1/22

So nice to finally see one of these done up. You really seem to be running through it at a pretty good pace. I hope its OK but I just had to see it with a visor. If you want me to take this pic down I will no problem...

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Ha no worries man, that looks pretty darn cool. Thx, ill post some more pics when im done w/ the back. I still need to fix some of the weathering on the Mandibles and such, im not too happy w/ some spots but like i said the "bulk" of its done. thanks again.........

-Tim Allen
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I'm glad to see group members showing the progress on their Fetts. I'm new to this costume as I normally do the whole Stormtrooper thing, but all of your conversations are really helping me in my ESB Fett that I'm working on. Thanks!

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From what I can tell, the back of the helmet looks pretty sweet! Too bad you don't have a nice camera to show off all that talent;)
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Jeez Tim, your'e a freaking beast with an airbrush. JUST STOP NOW! b4 you make us all look bad.
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MMM why did they all of a sudden turn to the red "x" they where working ealier. I used secol uploading service too
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sorry for the incoveniences, but at 2am an eathquake shutdown the electric plants on the 2nd region of my country and makes a blackout 3 hours and now at 10:30 am and 11:20 am two more energy cuts
sorry :)

now your helmet looks awesome

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No worries secol...Thanks for letting me know, wasunt sure if i screwed it up or something. lol
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