
For some bizarre reason in the mail today I got one of those postcards that has your name and badge number on it that you turn in when you get there to receive your badge. I never ordered a ticket and there's no transaction for it on my credit card bill. So I really have no idea why I now have a free pass for Dragon Con. I'm really not going to question it that much though. Free is free. ;)
I got one too!
But I won't complain at all!

iycis said:
For some bizarre reason in the mail today I got one of those postcards that has your name and badge number on it that you turn in when you get there to receive your badge. I never ordered a ticket and there's no transaction for it on my credit card bill. So I really have no idea why I now have a free pass for Dragon Con. I'm really not going to question it that much though. Free is free. ;)
BobaFettSlave_1 said:
Did you fill anything out at dragon con that might have goten you free tickets

Nope. I didn't fill anything out. I keep wondering if someone else ordered a ticket and they put my info on it by accident. Who knows.
I'm going w/ several super secret costumes!!!!

Last year was my first Dragon*Con.
From that moment on I vowed I would
never miss another one.
What weekend is DragonCon? I doubt if I can go with most money spent on C3 and costumes. I'm broke!! :(
Not sure the reason of that....it could be a lot of theories about receiving FREE MEMERSHIP TO D*C?!?!?!? Sounds kinda fishy.....

That could be a glitch in the computer system if you registered (and purchased a membership) from last year's,...that you could receive some kind of a reminder from them as a courtesy, etc, etc.

If you have a badge number, and you didn't make it last year....man...YOU'RE ON! I suggest bring the total cost of the membership in cash (just in case)....you'll thank me for that. ;)

If I receive one in the mail...I'll let you know.

My brother got a free pass as well...very odd.
Only thing I could possibly think of that we filled out was transfer forms, since I bought my pass from my friend last year who couldn't make it. But that still doesn't make much sense.

But maybe goat's right, someone out there must like us!
I did that too last year. I bought my ticket off of another 501st member who decided not to go. I filled out the transfer form last summer but that was for Dragon Con '04, not the one coming up.
Yea I got a free membership too, and I also had a transfer last year. I thought I was the only one this happened to. Yeah for us!
you lucky jerks!!!

I did however get both mine and Femme's postcards in the mail the other day. Felt just like Christmas!
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