V-8 Connecting Rod

Buckeye 01

Active Hunter
Just a quick question about the orig part. Is it metal or plastic? I bought a few things off the RPF a little while ago, and the seller threw in the connecting rod (metal), and the crank case cover (metal as well). I am just curious if these are the real parts that were used with the model kit. I can't imagine a metal part being used on a 'visible' V-8 model. :lol:
Buckeye_01 said:
Just a quick question about the orig part. Is it metal or plastic? I bought a few things off the RPF a little while ago, and the seller threw in the connecting rod (metal), and the crank case cover (metal as well). I am just curious if these are the real parts that were used with the model kit. I can't imagine a metal part being used on a 'visible' V-8 model. :lol:

The originals were plastic.
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