Neoprene under suit-second batch?

Oh sweet mother of Zam! I have been waiting for this since your fist run. I am 100% interested in this run. I will do whatever I can to get the finances for this. I wont miss it a secound time around.
I haven't been able to talk to my contacts yet, the holidays have taken all my time and money. Especially since this is my son's first Christmas. I won't be able to get in contact with them until after the holidays. I also wanted to let you all know that, last time, I had people really really wanting the fabric after the list was closed, because they didn't sign up the first time, so I want to get everyone who wants to get on board about it to have their chance before I talk to my contacts and cut off the list. Once I make an order, there is no revamping of the calculations because it takes 3 manufacturers to do this stuff and my time with the cutting and shipping.

Heheh, Cutest, you have an extra yard for making mistakes. I would start on the upper bodice first. That's the easier part in comparison to the pants and takes the least amount of material. Of course, always use a muslin or some test fabric first to make sure the patterning is correct. When I first wore my suit, the pants were too big up top, and because I had my baby and lost more than my pre-pregnancy weight, I am too thin for my outfit. Size 12 to a size 7. I feel like Jared from the subway commercials. But all my stuff doesn't fit anymore! No- not starting over, but, sigh...I am feeling the anquish of big vest and pants.
*bump* Come on people, I really need this to happen.... More of you want Zam suits, I just know it.

twitching in great desire to have her new bodysuit done for her garrison's huuuuuge LFL museum event this summer
I was hoping to get an actual zam swatch to more correctly match somethings before attempting to order from the manufacturers or cut off the list. Sorry that more legwork hasn't been done as far as talking to the manufacturers etc. I just want to get all my swatches in a to speak. Oh, and thanks for the compliments on the colors, if it wasn't for DCB, none of this would have happened the first time ;)
Hello everyone! ^^ This is my first time posting on thedentedhelmet forums :)

I was wondering if I could be added to the list for the Zam neoprene fabric if it's still happening? I'm working on a Zam costume for myself [ definitely my biggest challenge yet! ] so I'm hoping it's not too late to join this list ^^;
Zam I Am said:
Sorry, I haven't worked much on the batch of neoprene yet. I had someone very close to me that passed away, and had to fly out to CA to help arrange the funeral. I am still in mourning. So, the things I have had in mind - selling off some of my stuff and getting the neoprene situated, have been put on hold this month. Sorry I haven't worked on stuff as fervently as you are used to seeing me do or respond to. Judz Dwedd, I do intend on sending you your stuff back soon, but for others who I said I would send stuff to, will have to be put on hold. The 501st has just asked me to document the entire costume for their Zam qualifications standards board. Please bear with me as this is also a daunting task. I will do all that I can to help, but I need do deal with personal issues at hand first and foremost.

For newbs, I encourage you all to make sure to read all the old threads if you have any questions. DCB and I have done our best to consolidate the threads into relevant topics, and we do realize many pictures that I have inserted are missing due to the TDH conversion waay back, as well as clearing of personal webspace. Sorry for this. I don't have the time to put them back up. So, if you know that I had posted some pic of my own that you saved, feel free to post it back onto the board for someone.

Sorry, I will be too busy in March to calculate the numbers and also get the manufacturers to agree to a second run. I will have to do it in April.
Hi all, I have worked on this project today, and called the neoprene company. After looking at the fabric at the FIDM, I honestly think it is a thicker fabric much like neoprene. However, after discussing it with the neoprene company, I don't see how LFL did it. I look at the swatches in the Trisha Biggar book, and the fabric from the trade federation gaurd looks like it could be the same as zam's only a different color. And, it looks like a double laminated layered fabric, not a tri-cot laminated fabric. Which, to me seems more sensible for sewing purposes. The fabric that I have is a tri-cot fabric that is thick, but .05mm too thick it seems, because of the wrinkles in the elbow. It's not much difference, and for those that have suits and the first batch of fabric, you will understand, there is enough to be a difference, but not enough to be dissappointed with what you have. I personally think that the fabric we have is quite close. But yet, there is a difference in thickness. So, the perfectionist in me is still dabbling with prospects of thinning it out via other methods before putting this order through. I asked the lamination company to laminate just a sample of some spandex to some nylon to check the flexibility and difference in thickness and wrinkles and send it to me. If not, then I will have to go to the store and buy two yards and send it to them for test purposes. Then if all else fails, at least I can start calling the other companies to start manufacturing the same product as the first major bolt purchase.
Hi Zam I am,

Thanks for all the information. I'm very interested in your neoprene under suit, so please count me in. I don't want to miss it.
I am cutting off the interest list in three weeks. Then I will post the approximate amount per person in US dollars and the dimensions of the fabric bolt you all will recieve. It will probably be just 5 yards this time. If you can't afford around $225.00 per 5 yards & 34" batch (which is the estimated cost last time,) please post and I will take your name off the list. You have to understand, if you are interested, and you take your name off the list, it goes up in price for everyone else. I can't give you a final price until I know for sure who is definately in or out. Those who are overseas, please post that you are overseas and will have to pay extra for shipping unfortunately. Hopefully, my old excel spreadsheet works. I can accept western union. I can accept a US check, or moneyorder. Sorry I don't have a business paypal account. I am only able to accept debit paypal transactions only. Please remember, although I have costumed alot and posted a lot, this is my hobby, I don't do this for a living, so my customer service as far as timing will take longer than usual. And it takes time to manufacture this stuff. So turn around time will not be very quick. Again, this is for fabric ONLY. I am not offering any other services as far as sewing or patterning for the undersuit.
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