Gauntlet blueprints

Alan, did you make that Buck Rogers Ship? I have a 3D Max model of it if you need it. I am only a novice, but I use 3D Max 4.
I finished the orthos (in the links above) from a casting of the studio model so they are pretty close to the real thing. I did some clean up from the original because the casting was distorted. I never got back to the 3D model, I had planned on building a copy of the studio model, but I haven't gotten back to it. I'd be interested in seeing your 3D Max model, I have 3D Max 4.26, if possible you can send it to Thanks


Forced Trekker said:
Alan, did you make that Buck Rogers Ship? I have a 3D Max model of it if you need it. I am only a novice, but I use 3D Max 4.
Well, my model is nowhere near as detailed as yours. I was probably one of the first things I ever made in 3D Max 1.2.



Not to worry I haven't forgotten the gauntlets just needed a break to work on the Fett helmet and clone blaster blueprints. I should be getting back to these in the next few days. Stay tuned.

*accidently bumps into Alan at the store*

oh hey? what's up. make anything cool lately?


sorry with all the success with your previous works I am very excited about this

I know, I know. I have been a bit preoccupied lately. I really need to get back to these, I'll see what I can to to finish them up.

Been a busy week for me I got my KOTOBUKIYA Boba Fett Figure and my Webley casting from Sidewinder and I became a father all in the same week.

cool. now I can start the sculping using the blue prints. Hey where do you get sintra? I hear it's easy to work with is it found at a lowes, menards or home depot? I don't think I can get away doing fiberglass. I hear the fumes are dangerously toxic. I have a minor in art as related to sculpting so this would be the cheapest route for me. If I get a handle on it though I will be making a butt load for each suitHMMMM I figure a rotj, jango,ESB, what if fett had huge freaking predator like blades, or wrist blaster, huge armore war guantlet things .... The possibilities are endless... so where do you get sintra?
YES got my money back from my auction. Sculpture when to the trash after minimal work. Ruffkin thanks you are gonna save me loads of work. Now i can put my artistic talents into the finishing of the guantlets.
UPDATE! 9/14/06

I have added a new pic to the first post. It is the 1st gauntlet to be built with my new gauntlet templates. I took the templates and made all the pieces in AutoCAD and then I assembled them just like I would if they were made out of real material. The purpose was to make sure that all the pieces fit and that when assembled that they actually look like a Fett gauntlet. if you look close you can see where the pieces fit together in some places.

The next step will be to construct a cardboard mock-up to double check. Once that is complete I will be posting the first set of gauntlet templates for download.

So let me know what you think.

And an AutoCAD version for me right? ;)

Don't get me wrong, Ruffkin's gauntlets are great, but I want to scratch build every part of my costume! :D
Hurray! They look great- just in time too as I really need to get started on mine for Halloween. Mine will more than likely be cardboard....
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