RBF's ROTJ braid lay-out...


Well-Known Hunter
I saw alot of the MoM and AoSW braids... imo... they're horrible, obviously freakin fake...

The ESB braids are alot more like real hair and I believe looking at screencaps, posters and other ROTJ ref material they are in any case vastly differently attached then seen on AoSW and MoM...

so I made up my onw lay-out, with only the grey one hanging on the front, as that is the only one that is clearly vissible in all ROTJ pics...

the black one is closest to the neck, then blond, then grey.

I'll get synthetic hair this afternoon and will braid them today I hope..

RBF braid lay out.jpg
well it appears I can braid...

if TDH organizes a wookiee braid championship I am NOT going to be the winner :p ..

I used synthetic hair, as that is obtainable here and very... very cheap... allthough that's not really an issue... not afraid to spend on Fett :p

But truth is, hair braids donnot last forever, after a con or 2/3 you probably have to redo them.

also did a little black hair in it, just to make it look a little more like real braided hair from some sort of critter... wookiee whatever...
just looks better then soly blond I think... even though the originals are so... fake... yuk! I really prefer ESB braids... so I went with that kind of look, only a slightly different lay-out.

here's the blond one, gonna have to do something about the brush though, probably with a brush and hot air gun....

blond done.JPG

blond close-up.JPG
and then when your braiding fanatically you suddendy realize your going to need a screw driver to release the braid from your closet door handle... :p

anyways, the black contains some blond hairs here and there and is a little thinner then the blond one...

toke closet door.JPG

black done.JPG

black close-up.JPG
here's the grey one, wich contains blond and black hairs, looks ok.

the camera made a flash as it is getting darker outside...

also all 3 of them...

changed the position of the black one though...

and still need to fix those brushes...

grey finished.JPG

all 3.JPG

well this is about as for as I got with a brush and a hot air gun... hair dryer actually... any tips on how to do this but more extreem??? I'll post a pic of what I want it to be...

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