Fett Helmets


New Hunter
Okay guys,

Now I've read a few posts on different Fett helmets out there but I was hoping to get a list of all the possible helmets that are out there and more importantly your thoughts on which ones are the most accurate, etc...

Thanks in advance,

P.S. if it helps, I leaning toward doing Fett Armor from Jedi.
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well Marrow Sun does Excelent helmets you can contact him
I think BKBT does one to that one looks great too!
theres Boba Maker who does another excelent one.
thats all I can think of right now
If I were you I would buy the cheapest helmet that fits and remake it so its acurate unless you have gobs of mony. Are you making Boba Jango or custum? :jet pack
sorry out of witty stuff to say
I will try to list as many as I can think of going from crap to great.

Rubies cheapo
Rubies Delux
Don Post 97 (DP97)
Don post 96 (DP96)
Don Post 95 (DP 95)
Don Post 95 white interior
Don Post delux

After the DP Delux and altmanns all the rest are more or less great so these are in no order but what I think of first.

These below are all movie sized helmets and accurate in their own right. Each has their ups and downs.

*Sgt Fang Mystery helmet
Marrow Sun 1 (MS1)
Marrow Sun 2 (MS2)
*Natty15 Movie Sized Helmet (MSH)
*FP Movie sized helmet 2 (MSH2)
Bigkidbiggertoys Boba
The smaller more accurate MLC2

*Stars indicate no longer in production

Personally I own and love my MSH2. I will soon be buying one of Marrow's helmets as they are also fantastic.
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Dillo2 said:
If I were you I would buy the cheapest helmet that fits and remake it so its acurate unless you have gobs of mony. Are you making Boba Jango or custum? :jet pack
sorry out of witty stuff to say

And I would not do what he said. I would spend the extra on a good helmet. The helmet is really what makes the costume, if you go cheap on it, then the rest of your costume looks cheap (no matter how good it is). The helmet is what everyone sees first and there for should be what you spend your most time and money on.
If you want a helmet that is closest in accuracy and has a lineage to the real helmets, I would go with a Mystery/Marrow Sun helmet. The helmets have been altered, but they are the closest in accuracy for a commercially available helmet.
Thanks for all the suggestions and input. It appears I have quite a list to go from for research purposes. As I narrow down my selection I'll let you guys know. In the meantime, thanks again for the help. It seems that there is a really cool group of people on this board. I appreciate the help again and feel free to swing over to the Star Garrison forum any time.

you might add in the factor that lilburndiablo keeps reffering to, if you buy a cheapo, dont expect great results "if you polish a turd.. all you get is a shiny turd" I have a rubies, and although it will do in a pinch, it needs massive reworking and time and effort.. and in the long run I think id save money by buying a more expensive helmet and just repainting or doing minor repairs. cost of helmet 24 dollars including shipping.. amout of time spent on researching the way to fix the massive warping, 3 days... supplies cost roughly 50 bucks to fix/finish, and about a week to do. do the research and the math.. you may find something better.
Kissker said:
you might add in the factor that lilburndiablo keeps reffering to, if you buy a cheapo, dont expect great results "if you polish a turd.. all you get is a shiny turd" I have a rubies, and although it will do in a pinch, it needs massive reworking and time and effort.. and in the long run I think id save money by buying a more expensive helmet and just repainting or doing minor repairs. cost of helmet 24 dollars including shipping.. amout of time spent on researching the way to fix the massive warping, 3 days... supplies cost roughly 50 bucks to fix/finish, and about a week to do. do the research and the math.. you may find something better.

Well said..:thumbsup:
hmm... personally I'd go for the Boba Maker helmet.. haven't seen much pics of it, but the way the knees looked... sjees, dead on!!

and judging by the pics I saw... it looked awesome!!
cal196 said:
Anyone ever buy A helmet from skygunbro?

I have, I wouldn't call it the greatest thing, I got it before BobaMaker finished his, or I would have grabbed it instead. The mold on the skygunbro's isn't prefect, there are some bubbles, and the ears don't sit flush. I don't know if it's close to the size of the Mystery helmets, but I'll probably upgrade it before I'm happy with it.
Kissker said:
you might add in the factor that lilburndiablo keeps reffering to, if you buy a cheapo, dont expect great results "if you polish a turd.. all you get is a shiny turd" I have a rubies, and although it will do in a pinch, it needs massive reworking and time and effort.. and in the long run I think id save money by buying a more expensive helmet and just repainting or doing minor repairs. cost of helmet 24 dollars including shipping.. amout of time spent on researching the way to fix the massive warping, 3 days... supplies cost roughly 50 bucks to fix/finish, and about a week to do. do the research and the math.. you may find something better.

now, there is a fine line between a cheap helmet and a cheap paintjob. People kept asking me about my helmet and the first thing that came out of their mouths was MSH1, MSH2, or Marrow Sun. My helmet is simply one of those mystery helmet cheapies you pick up on ebay for a 100 bucks. You put a good paint job and BAM, it pops ! Don't get me wrong, Jordan's my boy and I do plan to pick up a Marrow Sun at some point but I need to get over the cost hump I incurred putting this beast together or until jordan donates one to me...either of which, won't be happening anytime soon !

bobamaker now does a painting service on his helmets (ESB only though) if you don't know how or don't want to do the painting yourself.
Got Maul said:
now, there is a fine line between a cheap helmet and a cheap paintjob. People kept asking me about my helmet and the first thing that came out of their mouths was MSH1, MSH2, or Marrow Sun. My helmet is simply one of those mystery helmet cheapies you pick up on ebay for a 100 bucks. You put a good paint job and BAM, it pops ! Don't get me wrong, Jordan's my boy and I do plan to pick up a Marrow Sun at some point but I need to get over the cost hump I incurred putting this beast together or until jordan donates one to me...either of which, won't be happening anytime soon !


Yea... I'm going down the same road. Last year when I started my process I was a bit more of a noob than I am now and hadn't really formed an opinion on the various makers. The most I had figured out from my searches was that some versons of helmets were hard to obtain and others were even harder. So "mystery" was the way to go. So I searched for and found a *really* rough "boba mystery helmet" on ebay. We probably bought from the same person! Anyway, with a little work I'm really happy with it so far. I'll probably do another as well- starting on a better canvas from one of the fine artists here. And that just means that I'll be able to get to the painting quicker instead of tons of sanding and bondo work. ok I'm rambling. 'Hopefully I'll get some time to "polish the turd" this weekend! :lol:
I didn't mention the ebay mystery helmets because from all that I have heard those are recasts. And despite the low cost, I cannot support recasters.
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