Bobamaker helmet

My Bobamaker helmet arrived today and it's the best thing since sliced bread! Better even!!! My compliments to Bobamaker himself and a recommendation for everyone... BUY BOBAMAKER, for all your Bounty Hunting needs! 8)
I've gotten most of my stuff from BM, his work is amazing. I have all his FG armour, and a couple of soft parts too. I highly recommend his work!


Part-Time Legend, Full-Time Hero
This is an old thread but a good one...I'm in the process of getting a BM helmet (painted by BM himself). I can't wait...whew hoo!

well done I paid for bobamaker to paint my helmet and I have only seen one other helmet that I was envious of.... bobamakers, his helmet is amazing.
This is an old thread but a good one...I'm in the process of getting a BM helmet (painted by BM himself). I can't wait...whew hoo!
It's nice to hear that you're going to get a BM helmet! He sure does make a great bucket, I purchased mine a few weeks ago, and it should get here in several more weeks. But for future reference please don't resurrect threads if they do not benefit the community...
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