First Time Build - Boba Fett Helmet - Cardboard - FINISHED

First layer done now. Silver damage revealed. Next color is the light grey with misted beige...

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Not gonna be able to paint layer today, so will do it tomorrow, but it's all masked up. Took 2 hours to draw and mask. Tedious is an understatement!

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Little bit of trouble with this layer. Lots of paint flaking. Luckily only on the parts where fluid was, but it made it a real pain to get it all off. Just took me an hour or so to get all of the fluid off. 1 more layer to go on the back panels.

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Little bit of trouble with this layer. Airgun decided it didn't want to work properly. Also ran out of air. But I managed to get it on in the end, and here is the finished result! I can't tell you how happy/surprised I am with how this turned out :D Not completely dry and needs wirewooling still.

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respray a bit of the dome next (silver), and also wait from some more air to arrive. But I think Dome next, when cheeks etc... Just got to make sure I cover this up properly now :S

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Cheers guys :)

Small update, dome has had some more silver applied to it. Much better now. Taking a small break due to running out of air. Also think I'm gonna change my airbrush to a different one, as the humbrol one I'm using has been having a few issues. So once that arrives, I can continue again. Also having a little trouble with tape not sticking to things, so gonna pick up some different tape too. The detail tape sticks fine, but the thicker masking tape I have seems sticky, until I stick it to something! Also what do you guys stand your finished helmets on? I looked up hat stands, but can only find the big tall ones.

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Couple of things.

Firstly, how do you guys tape off your back panels? I've tried putting plastic bags over them and taping it, but for unknown reasons, no tape in the world will stick properly. I don't know whether its because of the waxy finish on thin detail tape I use to mask off around the edge before taping it up, but nothing will stick to it well enough, and it falls off...I did consider just putting strips of tape along the back, but I don't want to risk A: pealing paint off B: paint going through tape. I have considered just covering it in a layer of maskingfluid, but it would use quite a lot and don't want to waste it.

Also, how do people go about tracing the stencil on the dome, The domes shape is proving difficult to work with, and I'm struggling to get the stencils to go around the contour of the dome without losing shape.
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Still going!

Silver damage on dome and cheeks done. Dark grey damage tomorrow. Think I may paint on the light grey, as there is only a little bit, and it doesn't make much sense spraying the whole helmet just for a few bits, but not decided yet. Knowing me, I'll probably spray the whole thing. I did run out of the dark grey though, so coverage is a little thinner in places, but it seems fine in dark great damage areas. Will find out more tomorrow. Not all the masking fluid peeled off. Going to keep some of it on until the end for scratches and things. Getting there tho! :D

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Decided to skip the light grey for the time being, and went straight on with the green! It's quite late so had to put light on my phone, so colors are a bit off, but wanted to share a sneak peak :D Needs a good wire wool. Leaving the masking fluid on the cheeks, as tomorrow I'll do the black on the inside, and that's then the cheeks and dome (minus kill stripes) done. Think I'll do the ear pieces last, so after this, kill stripes, then upper cheeks, then ear pieces. Will probbaly add the few lighter grey bits on the dome at the very end as finishing touch.

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Pretty sure there is still a few bits of masking fluid left, found a little bit after taking these pics. But it's been wirewooled, which has given the green an uneven color, darker and lighter in places, which I like! Considering how much of a pain it was to get the stencils on the dome, I'm pretty pleased with this :D

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Cheeks done! Didn't take long. Once again, needs the wirewool treatment, but will wait until tomorrow to do that to make sure it's completely dry. Got a pretty decent line between paints, so am happy with that!

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Kill stripes are 'done'...I think i've semi F'd it up. I've seen people have the issue before where kill stripe colors are really thin. I was really struggling to get it on, so did a few layers, but it seems to have gone on really thick now (probably sprayed too close to helmet). I won't post any pics for now, just gonna let it dry over night and then see what it's like tomorrow. If it is quite thick, I'm hoping a little wirewooling can fix it. It may turn out to be fine, but I dunno. Will wait and see. I knew it was all going too well :P
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I think it's gonna be ok, once it's fully dried! I've removed tape, and most of the masking fluid. I have flicked up any loose edges (from where tape came off) so that the air can get to them. The flakes are still a little tacky, but they leave no paint behind. One they dry fully and fall off with a rub, I think i'll be able to wirewool it and bring it back. Will post update this evening or tomorrow, depends how long it takes. Plus side, I'm quite happy with the color :D

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This is about as good as I'm gonna get it. Will probably continue to wirewool it a little more in future, but too unhappy with it. Just a shame it ended up being so thick, after initially being too think! I probably overcompensated. But oh well..

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Ended up re-doing the kill stripes. Came out a lot better this time round, and much happier.

Onto the upper cheeks next! getting there :D

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