To Jango or Boba?


New Hunter
Been awhile since I have been on here. A few years back I was really gung ho about doing a ESB Fett. Tried buying a bucket, and got ripped off (guy took the money and ran), and lost interest. Few years went by, I went back to school started working on an R2 and am nearing that being done. I'm seeing the end of my R2 project and my TK armor should be done soon as well, so I'm looking for the next project. I originally was planning on doing ESB Boba, but now that my son is older (12 ) and Boba is his fav character, I'm considering doing him a budget Boba, and doing Jango for myself, kind of a in and out of SW universe father/son thing. Here is my question for those who may have done this before. Personally I think Boba is cooler and I like the used universe of the OT, and hated much of the PT. Though I think Jango is pretty cool. I'm wondering if I'm going to regret doing Jango or if the father/son aspect will make up for it. Its a fair chunk of coin and time to put together a costume, so I'm wondering if any of you had the same thoughts, and what you did and how you feel about it after?
When I came to this site it was for the sole purpose of doing a Boba Fett. As I was bombarded with the sheer complexity of the build I decided that I would do Jango Fett first because I thought it would be easier. Once I started I realized I had made a grave error in my thought process but I had become quite fond of the Jango build. Jango is not really easier, the paint is less complicated but the overall build is still a big process.

With all of that said I have never regretted doing Jango. I am currently building a Boba because I still want a Boba to troop in. So my answer is I don't think you would regret a Jango build. It is a blast to troop.

And I think the father son aspect will be awesome. My son is now 5 so I hope to do a young Boba for him in the future.
Putting a costume together as intense as a Fett (father or son) and not being completely gung-ho about it may not be worth the investment. Especially if you hate the PT, I would stick with a Boba for you. You will feel better about it, trust me.

You could make your son into a custom mando - maybe create a 'son of Boba' costume that you design together?
Its funny, my son is 12 and likes E2 the best. Different generations. He's always been a huge SW fan, which is real cool for me. E2 is his fav movie but Boba is his fav character. He's never seen the OT special editions, I have them, but only watch fan edits and laser disk rips. He's getting to a size where doing a full size Boba bucket would be worth it and doing the rest more just for fun, not spending a ton, but I wouldn't try to be totally screen accurate, but 'good enough' Let him reach full height and then do a movie quality. He wants to dress up at the cons and stuff. It is really fun having a movie buddy though. I'm still not sure on the Jango, all of the SW armor costumes are expensive and allot of work. But too cool not to do.
Putting a costume together as intense as a Fett (father or son) and not being completely gung-ho about it may not be worth the investment. Especially if you hate the PT, I would stick with a Boba for you. You will feel better about it, trust me.

You could make your son into a custom mando - maybe create a 'son of Boba' costume that you design together?
Well I guess I'm like most of my generation that grew up on Star Wars in my feelings for the PT. I hated much of it, but there were some decent parts, and fan edits make the movies bearable. Jango IMHO is one of the best parts on the PT.
Go with the Boba. Like mullreal, I'm doing a jango that resulted from some of the lead times for the Boba parts. I disagree on the paint though, the jetpack is still a lot of masking and painting, but if you go with coldcast the armor and helmet and gauntlets, they have much less hands on time getting the right look. The overall build though is still quite labor intensive. The gauntlets are a lot of work for sure, and locating a few of the parts (boots, rocket, soft parts) can be very tricky.
Does your son like Jango, or is he set on being Boba? Instead of the father/son dynamic, you could have new/old. But there's nothing wrong with two Bobas in the family either.
Well I decided to go with the Jango. I've got a CC bucket on order from Animefan, and a Resin Boba bucket ordered for my son. I'm not going to go hog wild on his Boba costume, he's growing by the minute. We are going to make the bucket as accurate as possible and slowly work on a final Boba costume for him for when he is grown, but this way he will have something he can wear NOW, have a good bucket he can keep and over the years put together a good Boba for him to grow into. For my Jango. I'll build it up faster. I'm not super concerned with 501st approval, as I'll have my TK done soon.
Good deal man. I've been slooowwwwlllyyy working on mine. It's a fun build, but definitely has its quirks. Some of the assembly is rather tricky, so I'd rather take my time and do it right once.
You'll enjoy the helmet, I just wish I could find an aluminum stalk for the FP Jango lid....
For me I think it came down to bad memories with Boba. I was real gung ho on doing one around 2007 or so, and ordered a Bucket, was around $350 or so and the seller took the money and ran. That was a real bummer. Anyway my son is really excited and we'll be able to work on the builds together.
Yup, I always feel weird seeing clean Jango's.

I LOVE trooping as Boba with a Jango. Lots of hugs and father son stuff. To the point when I see the guys out of costume we always yell "Dad!" "Son!"
Yep, Jango is one dirty dude. He just looks clean on film, but overall, the more you wear it, and get all the knicks etc, it will look nice.
Once im done with my RoTJ Boba ive no idea what ill do with my time so im gunning Jango then an ESB. Each on a mannqeuin. Meet the Fett' ....staring at you as u enter the media room....will get a kick out of it forever and a day.
I vote Boba. Shows up in the movie, says two lines and that's it. Plus he doesn't get killed by a purple saber wielding jettsi.
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