Earliest Darth Vader concept helmet scratch build (McQuarrie)


New Hunter
Hey all, some of you might recall my build reports of the McQuarrie concept Boba Fett and Vader helmets. This time I’m going to build another McQuarrie concept helmet. I was so intrigued by the samurai influences McQuarrie put in his early concepts I had to explore it even further and focus on his very first sketches.
I don’t want to put in too much time, so I’m not going to build it 1:1 but in scale. The sketches are very rough on the details so a mockup in scale style seems fitting.

I’ll start with the helmet and drawn this side view, getting that samurai shaped design. I figured it would be best to start with a paper cone to drawn on and cut into the best shape, later I can use this as an outline mold.



I used the cardboard model as a reference and I have built the helmet parts out of styrene. I roughly closed the dome with enough space to fill it in with polyester putty. When the dome is finished I will install the rim of the helmet.



The scale is also practical, 1:1 this helmet would have been huge. For the dome I basically used the same technique as my earlier Vader helmet, it worked well then and now.

Today I attached the rim to the dome and added the details as seen in the sketch. Next I will start sculpting the face. It’s going to need a lot of improvising. Only thing visible are the nose and the grill, the rest is a dark blur. I don’t want to mimic the look of the famous McQuarrie Vader from my previous project. This early sketch has a unique design, not really belonging in the line of the other concepts. (and yet it does…)





niice! i'm so excited for the next update!
quick question: where can I buy styrene in large portions? i've been buying styrene from Evergreen or whatever they're called on amazon, but they come in really small portions and cost an arm and a leg.
Hey all, it has been a while…busy busy busy. But I revisited the model again.

For now I have been drawing the mask, this being so roughly sketched it needs guessing and improvising.
I have been drawing over the original sketch to get the elements in the right place.



Still keeping the samurai look but also that robotic/in human look which could be a McQuarrie design.


In this sketch I gave the eye lenses a more mean shape, like the stormtrooper helmets.


Here is some of the inspiration sources, the start of Vader sketch with the braze like mask piece.
It has some specific curves on the cheekbones which is vaguely visible in version I’m building.
For the eyes I looked at the Joe Johnson Halloween costume.

Feel free to comment.
Made a first 3D cardboard mockup of the mask. Overall not bad and definitely the look I’m going for.
The next mockup will be shrunk to 95% of what it is now. The helmet looks too small compared to the mask now.
Also the nose part will be more narrow.





finished mask mockup No2, it's getting there, still some minor points of improvement though. I also noticed that the pointy part of the helmet rim (at the nose) is too "pointy" compared to the sketch. So I will even it out a little.
I'm pleased with the way I made the eye pieces, not visible in the sketch I had to wing it, but I think it has that McQuarrie look.




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