All Boba Fett Vinyl Decals Now available on my website!


Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
Greetings TDH Members,

I've been offering my decals here for a few years now, via separate for sale threads for each version of Boba and Jango fett. It's been a very long time coming, but I've finally been able to complete my website.

The decals can still be purchased using the for sale threads, but if you have some time please check out:

DeLucksDesigns - Custom vinyl decals -

In addition to the Boba and Jango decals, I'm offering all kinds of Star Wars, auto, text, miscellaneous and custom decals as well.

All inputs, suggestions, and comments are welcomed. Thanks for looking!!

i just ordered a ROTJ set from you the old fashioned way ... wish i had waited so i could use your cool new site. I'll have to find something else to buy on there.:)
I'm looking to make a custom carry box.. you seem to be the right dude to help! Sorry to hijack your thread, but let me know if you would you be interested in helping me make it!

here is a mock up I did for it

I'm looking to make a custom carry box.. you seem to be the right dude to help! Sorry to hijack your thread, but let me know if you would you be interested in helping me make it!

here is a mock up I did for it


Mockup looks great man, I could definitely help you out.

All I would need are the dimensions of each decal.

You're going to lose customers in the long run. Your website should match the quality of your decals. Good job on doing something most people won't, and that's believing in yourself enough to actually sell your art. But anything worth doing, is worth doing well. You'll end up getting more customers from it.
You're going to lose customers in the long run. Your website should match the quality of your decals. Good job on doing something most people won't, and that's believing in yourself enough to actually sell your art. But anything worth doing, is worth doing well. You'll end up getting more customers from it.

Thank you for your opinion. While I appreciate your constructive criticism, my business is doing just fine regardless if the site isn't up to your personal liking. I'm not a web designer, and basically read a book explaining how to do it without paying to $2,000 most designers want. If you can't add anything to the intent of this post, I would appreciate you moving on. Otherwise feel free to PM me directly. As a veteran of this site, I would recommend a more personable tact in future posts to make your experience here as enjoyable as possible.
Just want to add my praise for the decals.
Just the perfect product without all the nonsense.
I have seen really well designed web sites out there that don't do squat, so I am happy with a functional method to get the product that I want and a reasonable price.
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