First Post/ First Helmet

Son of Fett

New Hunter
Hi everyone!

This is my first post on TDH, although I've been reading and referencing posts here for the last few weeks while painting my first Boba Fett helmet. I just finished the helmet this past week and thought I'd share it with everyone.

This is a fiberglass Mystery Helmet. Most of the painting was done using the reveal technique, masking the silver areas with latex masking fluid. I then used some brush painting to fix the edges.







I was also lucky enough to finish this helmet in time to have it autographed by Jeremy Bulloch while he was here in Chicago for the NonSports Card Collector's Expo. Pretty exciting!


Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how the helmet turned out. I think the olive green is a bit too dark for the ESB costume I'm planning to build, but it would be a real pain to fix it without having to redo all the detailing on the dome. Any advice on that would be extremely helpful.

Any amount of success I've had on this project is due to all the great tips I've gotten from this forum. Thanks, everyone, and keep up the good work!
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Thanks for all the kind words, everyone!

It seems I'm the only one bothered by the darker olive green. Oh well, I am picky about my own work. I'll try painting the gauntlets and jet pack the same base color in order to stay consistent with the helmet.

As for wearing an autographed helmet, I won't be wearing it often at all (perhaps once a year?...twice at most) and that's if I don't end up replacing it with a better one eventually. I'm considering hotgluing a plastic covering around it to keep moisture and skin oils off of it. One good thing about where it is signed is that it really only comes in contact with my face when I put it on or take it off, so at least it won't rub off from normal wear. Anyway, in case something awful does ever happen to the autograph, or the helmet itself, I was sure to get a personalized autographed photo from him as well. :)
Nice job and the helmet and its your first one surperb excellent. I'm working on my first helmet aswell but its not done yet. Well anyway good job on the helmet.
There isn't a word that has yet been invented to describe such a masterpiece so I shall make one up for it.
This helmet is scrumtrilescent!
If ever there were a helmet made before or after this, it could not match the level of scrumtrilescentness that this helmet has obtained.
Damn fine helmet. Looks pretty sharp to me.

If I may ask, what silver did you base coat it with?

What paints did you use? Enamels or Acrylics.

And what masking stuff did you use? Liquid mask or (and Ive never heard of such a thing until finding this forum) mustard?
Qrest Fourstar said:
If I may ask, what silver did you base coat it with?

What paints did you use? Enamels or Acrylics.

And what masking stuff did you use? Liquid mask or (and Ive never heard of such a thing until finding this forum) mustard?

After priming it with grey primer, I gave it a full coat of LustreKote Aluminum (by Top Flite) which is made mainly for model aircraft. I then sealed it with LustreKote Flat Clear. Here is the result:


The rest of the paints are Testors acrylics (Lee's colors, with the exception of the green earpiece which I custom mixed, and the earpiece red).

For masking damage, I used a no-name brand of liquid mask. Light blue latex stuff which dries clear.
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