noob questions about the helmet


New Hunter
asok is sending me his jango cc helm
i will be purchasing -800 grit sand paper (fml and will be doing it by hand)
- primer automotive or generic ?
- rustoleum royal blue ( upper cheeks, ears, and rf)
- krylon ocean blue (mandables, back strip, and around the ears)
am i doing this right so far?

since this will be display only, but i still want people to be able to pick it up and see inside and put it on so....

next set of questions, i have been trying to find pic of the interior, can't find it, should i go with stormrider;s kit or is there one for jango i have not seen?, i thought i saw a link in the cargo hold for a helmet skirt but i can't find it now is that the only thing for the jango helm? and for the key slots can anyone tell me if jango also had the mq-1 board visable through the key slots like boba?i can't tell. and final question i think, i hope, the rf is there a specific set up ie lights, who is a maker of this jango set up? or is it the same guys that make the boba rf boards?
Going to need MORE sand papers up to 2000, and then 0000 steel wool. I doubt a stormrider interior and your head would fit a jango helmet they are quite small. Jango has mesh over the keyslots no MQ1. No lights on the Jango helmet either.
The inside of Jango's helmet only had (I think) two pieces of foam running the sides of the top of the head... other than that, there was nothing else in there.
Make sure that your sanding and steel wooling are done under running cold water.
The heat from the friction of sanding can affect and discolor the CC resin.
when doing a jango helmet, i start off with 120 grit on a mouse sander, then 220 with the mouse as well. after that i go to hand sanding, 400-800-1000. i skip the 0000 steel wool, and instead use metal polish to get a great shiny finish on it.
It depends on the angle as to how much it shines. It will need weathering for sure or it won't look right. In some pics of my helmet it looks shiny in others it looks more dull....that is just the way that Jango shows up in pictures.

Shine it up fairly well and then weather it really will be pleased with the results.
Excellent thanks. I hope to be able to start it next week the post is holding it right now, they have the damnedest ability to show up just as you leave the house.
lol the thread asok sent me, also has you mentioning you are bad at doing progress shots, but i will use whatever info i can get, especially from the more experienced painters here. been using the search function, and well i am pretty sure everyone here will agree after the 3rd page of searching you start to get blurry eyed.
Did you try rotating it as you slip it over your head? I have to turn mine 90 degrees to get it started.
it takes a small grape to get inside an ilm jango comfortably. i've noticed that asoks helmets have been getting a little thicker over time as well. like he's using a little more resin per pour now than when he first started making these available.
i will try and rotate 90 degrees lol but hmmm i don't want to get stuck lol, and yes mine seems to be a very nice thick cast i like it. i will try and start it finally this weekend, i will be using a dremel to cut off the trim and visor, the standard dremel cutting wheel seems a bit small, you guys use a dremel to cut out the visor ?if so how big is the cutting wheel. doyou guys also cut out the key slots in the back?i am just assuming you do.
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