ESB shoulder armor painted & belly armor made, PVC construction


1st armor pic.jpg
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after a few months, ive finally got my rear in gear and got some painting done
armor paint 1.jpg
armor paint 2.jpg
armor paint 3.jpg
the base green.

next up , the darker green with some dark tones misted in some places.
armor paint 4.jpg
armor paint 5.jpg
armor paint 6.jpg
armor paint 7.jpg
now i've removed the masking fluid
armor paint 8.jpg
armor paint 9.jpg
armor paint 10.jpg
Killer paint job! I love that you used all the different base colors on the chest plates and center diamond. Just noticed that the lower dent on the abdominal plate is positioned Pre-Pro #1 (AoSW/C-IV exibits) style, but that's a minor detail. You will add those dark grey scratches to the collar and back plate?
Well done there Beans, you have done a top job with the PVC, was that 3mm sheet you were working with, cause that is what I have been using, I have just been slack and working on my knee's, but the killer I think is the back plate, how did you manage that cause it looks awesome!:thumbsup:
Killer paint job! I love that you used all the different base colors on the chest plates and center diamond. Just noticed that the lower dent on the abdominal plate is positioned Pre-Pro #1 (AoSW/C-IV exibits) style, but that's a minor detail. You will add those dark grey scratches to the collar and back plate?

Thanks Rafal, I did'nt even know i did that with the lower ab plate :-)
i will add those dark grey scratches if you would kindly show me or give me an example, thanks for the advice and help, you are a saint my man!!!;)
Well done there Beans, you have done a top job with the PVC, was that 3mm sheet you were working with, cause that is what I have been using, I have just been slack and working on my knee's, but the killer I think is the back plate, how did you manage that cause it looks awesome!:thumbsup:

Thanks Robafett it was 3mm but it started out as a PVC pipe, the back armor was a total pain to get right. I did use Alans templates but modified the lines as the ones on the templates did'nt have the right look i was after. I used a heat gun to soften the areas required and just kept going till i got the result you see, the most difficult part of that was getting it to line up with the outer brims of the collar piece. It was a pretty big piece of pipe, about 8" or 10" in diameter by the length required , can't recall what that dimension was. Hope this helps, thanks again!!!
I will add those dark grey scratches if you would kindly show me or give me an example, thanks for the advice and help, you are a saint my man!!!;)

I don't know what to say about the dark grey. In some images it looks like there's something dark, while on other images (especially those with the shadow on the left side - our right side) it looks like there's only one color. You be the judge:

ESB 2 Tone Collar Color.jpg

The idea is that all 6 armors had a very similar color scheme but with different scratch placements, especially the sister armors (Sandy or Promo armors). The right chest plate has a different base color and never has yellow scratches; the same goes for the center diamond. The left chest plate, the abdominal plate and the cod plate has always the same base color and the silver/yellow scratches and most of the times even the back belt (except some of the Sandy armors which had silver/dark grey or silver/dark grey/yellow combinations). The collar plate and the back plate has the same base color and the silver/dark grey color combination (at least on most of the armors). So, the first suit was the Pre-Pro #1, then Sandy painted 3 suits using loosely the first suit as a base (these suits were only for promotional and touring purposes), and possibly at the same time was painted the Pre-Pro #3 suit, still using the Pre-Pro #1 as a template but with slight changes; last but not least, the ESB Hero was painted using the Pre-Pro #3 as a template but with more improvements. The whole concept was that Boba Fett gathered his armor parts from all over the galaxy, this is why he had that multi-colored look:

Correct Timeline 2.jpg
cheers Raf, i could not have hoped for a more comprehensive answer:thumbsup:
just for anyone else considering their own armor built, the total cost of all the green armor so far was a mere 19 euros, paints mostly,
as the PVC used i got for free, left over from my sister in-law's new house build, but it does come cheap enough. I never thought as i started this build
that i could have achieved such results and could'nt have done it without the help and encouragement from some of the guys on these boards.
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