Showoff: Jango Fett AOTC

A few months ago, i started to build up a Jango:
At first, here´s a list of the parts, i´ve ordered:
Filghtsuit ,flakvest, chest, shoulder, cod and helmet: Bobamaker
Knees and Alu Parts: Darkside
Ammobelt and Harness: Seeker
Holster, girthbelt,Thighs, shins, back, gaunts, instep armor: Cruzer
Jetpack: MOW
Boots: crow62 (haven´t arrived yet)
I hope, i didn´t forget anything or anyone.
Thanks to all the guys mentioned above and to Timbo Fett, who helped me to avoid big mistakes.

I think, i´m good so far,
the last parts missing:
MR Westars and navyblue golves

And here are some pics, of what i´ve done so far:
Cruzer´s parts out of the box:

and polished with steel wool:

Jetpack WIP:




weathered and almost finished:




That´s it till welcome....
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Looking great man! It looks like you are building up a great suit with parts from top notch makers.

Keep it up!
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Agreed, very good collection and great work on the paint and weathering. Only critique I have to offer is to flatten down some of the gloss n the JP. Other than that - it's bangin'.

Be on the lookout for the gloves at Target in the Ladie's dept (prolly hard to find this season)...Or keep checking around online. I bought an extra pair because I figured they would wear out as tight as they are on my hands.
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Subscribed to this thread. Really want to see how it goes! Where do you plan on getting your Westars from?
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Thanks for the feedback...

Where do you plan on getting your Westars from?
That´s the biggest problem. One pair was offered to me, but at that moment, i hadn´t the money. And when i had the money, they were gone...sith happens.
I think, i have to modify some toy-blasters ´till i get a pair...
There are other blasters or parts from Evolution (the barrels-but i don´t know where to get the pistol grip from and i can´t say anything about the quality) and kropserkel (i don´t have any infos about quality and price either)...So we´ll see what happens-i´m always open for reasonable offers.
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Let me know what you find out. I bought some Darth Maul parts from Kropserkel a year or so ago and they were good quality.
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kropserkel does not make Westars anymore :(, Evolution does, but the accuracy is a little off... I contemplated buying EVs and the resin ones found on fleabay every now and then, and using the resin handles with the metal barrels.

Or if you're inventive, you can buy metal tubing and make some resin/metal hybrids on your own, that is what I did by using old drum cymbal stands :)
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Thanks for the answer TLobe00- i think, i´m gonna modify some Blasters from ebay, till i hopefully have the possibility to get some MR´s...
Had some time to continue.
Testfitting: There´s some weathering on it, but i think, it should be more...

And the knees:

Photographed with welcome...
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I'm really curious to see how far down Bobamaker's helmet is going to sit on you. I'm curious if it will be flush with the collar armor or if bits of your flight suit will stick out like mine.
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Looking good man looking good. Is that CC or gel coated armor? I'm trying to see if you can tell a difference between the two visually.
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While waiting for the boots, i´ve had some time to continue: Painted the ammobelt an the holsters:

with flashlights:

Still to do:
Dye the Jumpsuit and the total fitting when the boots have arrived (last part missing)-Gaunts, helmet and the whole rest ist ready to go...

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Looks like you've got some quality parts there, bud:thumbsup: I need to get out of the Jango forums before the "bug" hits me again,lol
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