Newbie Boba Bucket

For my helmet, i used tamiya masking tape. Working like a dream, no residue, leave the paint under intact. You can find it in differents width.
Hope it will help you.
keep up the good work
Strum- Thanks for the tape name! I will definitely be on the look out for that. I think there is nothing more frustrating than putting all the time into the details and then seeing it come off on a piece of tape!
Great work so far bud, looking great. As for the tape, tamiya is good, pretty expensive here in australia, so I use a quality blue painters tape you can get from hardware stores. The one I like is scotch brand, and is for delicate surfaces - it even has a rating of how tacky the differrent types are - the one I use is only a 2 out of 5 with 5 being the rating for most tacky, 1 the least. Good luck my friend :-)
Thanks Jayvee! I appreciate the support.

I picked up my visor today. Hoping to get it cut and installed and lay the back plate concrete today. Getting close :)
Update: I got the concrete laid yesterday and the Navy/Green Mist today. Going to mask the ears tomorrow morning and try to get them completed over the weekend. Ordered some decals from Lucksy31 to get her looking tip top. I also picked up some earth magnets for the right ear and to hold the clear lens piece into the RF. Just need some Chicago screws tot he visor finished.

Jayvee- found a roll of 18mm Tamiya tape for $3 at the hobby store. Great stuff, well worth it!
Well, it was a long night and a busy morning but here it is with the liquid mask removed... I didn't lose much if any of the layering do to the "Frog" tape.
It's really not as shiny as it looks in the pictures but I can't figure out how to get the flash off. I may take it out side for some pics when I finish the visor.
Hopefully I get my Lucksy31 decals soon!

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Now I'm working on the visor and waiting for the glue to dry on the ear piece that holds the magnets in place. I think I'm going to hold off on the servo for a bit as I don't have the gauntlets built yet and thus no place for the remote.
While you are talking about rangefinder electronics, I have a similar question/idea:

Has anyone messed around with "voice changers" as a sound alternative? If anyone has, what are you using that can hide a mike under the bucket?
Orionuse- I haven't got there just yet, but in building my list of "Fett" things to be on the look out for, I found a descent one at RadioShack for about $40. It was a head set with mic boom and looked like it was low profile enough to work. Check out for a few examples. My next 2 electronic purchases are the Fettronics light board and then the servo for the RF.
I finally recieved my Lucksy31 decals and got them on the lid. Here's a couple pics of them.
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And here I've finally attached the RF. Now I need to find a battery to solder in so I can get that awesome Salamander light working!
photo 1 (2).JPG

Anybody had any luck with The visor is giving me fits! I have messed up 2 so far (I'm almost embarrassed to admit that). On the first one, I had epoxy all over the place. On the second one, I decided to bolt it in. Same result... I drilled the holes in the visor for the Chicago screws, inserted them and dabbed the backs with epoxy. Then I inserted it in the helmet and had dreams of being able to remove the visor so that the epoxy could set up.
I think maybe the curvature is off on my template. Anyway, thoughts and opinions welcome!
nice looking lid, you are doing well especially with Rafal as a guide, yet to discover the visor situation, as I just got a DP 96 in box on Evil bay for $30 bucks, just got to wait for it to arrive,great effort!
Thanks Robafett. Rafal's stencils are worth their weight in gold! They really make the process manageable. I think the visor problem was the result of 2 maybe 3 things.
1. Inaccurate visor template
2. Wrong Epoxy
3. Rushing it
It really can't be said enough... You can't rush a good Fett!
Orionuse- I haven't got there just yet, but in building my list of "Fett" things to be on the look out for, I found a descent one at RadioShack for about $40. It was a head set with mic boom and looked like it was low profile enough to work. Check out Do-It-Yourself Star Wars Props for a few examples. My next 2 electronic purchases are the Fettronics light board and then the servo for the RF.

Thanks, dechels. I'll go run down the street this week and see what they might have. I'm still not in too much of a rush for it, as I'm still shaping up my bucket. Getting the right bondo shape in my cheekbones is a bit of a challenge, atm. The rest of my bucket contour is looking pretty good, atm. I've got to find my camera, so I can post some pics and get some feedback :)
Definitely post some pics, I'd love to see what you got going on. I just ordered a visor from and am going to move on to scratch build a jet pack. Hopefully that'll go somewhat smooth...:D
Got my visor in from the other day and got installed yesterday. I just hot glued it in for the time being until I can pick up the neccessary hardware for the chicago screw method. I am very pleased with visor and these ease of installation.
photo 6.JPG
Today I got the RF installed and the finally feel like I am nearing the end!
Please let me know what you guys think. I know I have some weathering to do, but comments are welcome.
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Those Don Post 96-97 lids really change when painted properly, you are a pro, somday I'll have the guts to post pics of my DP 97 first painting job.....Keep up the great work....
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