First try at custom mandalorian


New Hunter
Hey guys i am a noob to this scale of costume making so i have a few questions on items.

1.what is a good suggestion for the vest as in leather where to buy etc. anything

2.for the jumpsuit i have found 2 items that look great on and yes i am using a 2 pieace flightsuit but i can hide that fact.
here are the two items.


Does the shirt have sweat wicking material over the chest? The image is small and I can't be certain if it's a crye combat shirt or something similar.
If it doesn't pan out it can be used for other costumes very easily. I kinda wanted to go lightweight on cloth type material because i can do metal fabrication the shoulder armor will be metal and i like a heavy armor look so lightweight cloth would be great.
I've always considered using one of my combat shirts for a custom mando design I had awhile back as well. The shirt will definitely help with keeping you cool while your trooping.
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