WIP: Locitus ESB Boba

That's realy looking good.
Like your wip.
Hope to see this in Billund this year.

Sadly you won't. I still need to replace the gauntlets and jetpack before i will even consider sending pictures to my GML. So I'll be my usual TK, but I'll bring my Alu-E-11 :)

How did you weather the plugs? I'll be getting mine soon.

Recieved the AM earth plugs from BojaGun today.

I got 4, but am keeping 1 as spare, so I only use 3.


Painted flat black:

Weathered and glue is curing on stock:

Used this picture is reference for the weathering and positioning:
Boba Fett Empire Strikes Back Costume - Carbon Chamber - The Dented Helmet Gallery
I had to redo the weathering because too much paint flaked off. I tried to capture my original look and this time I sealed the paint with some matt clear coat after weathering.

Sadly you won't. I still need to replace the gauntlets and jetpack before i will even consider sending pictures to my GML. So I'll be my usual TK, but I'll bring my Alu-E-11 :)

Well than let us take some great TM shots and lets drink some german beer :-)
One of the reasons why my Boba Fett is taking so long is because I keep buying found parts to replace things I already have, instead of focusing on getting my jetpack and new gauntlets. But that's fine with me! :)

Here I've pretty much finished modifying the sonic beam weapon (far left) and it just needs paint. The anti security blade in the middle needs the paddle in wood/plastic and paint. The rods on it are aluminum replicas from Mojo-Fett. The "knife" (far right) just needs paint, then I'll leave as it is.


Quite the difference from the budget shin tools I had before, based on the visual dictionary.

Now I'm on the hunt for the correct scope rings. I bought a scope with almost the right rings that I might use for a while, until I get the real deal.
Those new shin tools are awesome compared to the old ones and I love the idea to not convert the Survival Knife with blade which is not accurate and I have an image to proove that:

Shin Tools Compatibility.jpg

Keep up the excellent work!
A bit more progress on the shin tools. I haven't weathered the anti security blade because the misting effect I want requires an airbrush that I don't have. But I intend on getting one so I'm saving the weathering for later. The "knife" got a little physical weathering with a sanding paper though. It mostly took it fine, and where I went too far is only small parts not seen when in the shin pocket.

The "paddle" on the anti security blade is made of 5 mm plywood and is a perfect fit. For the size of it I followed WOF's shin tool templates.


I've been a little slow on the updates recently, but I did some more work on the shin tools. I think I'll redo the electric tape on the sonic beam tool.
Sonic beam and anti-security blade have been lightly sanded with a fine grit paper to add some fine scratches and dull down the gloss from the aluminium paint.

nice work on this, very impressive! what helmet are you using?

I have a bobamaker helmet. I'm not too pleased with the current paintjob though, so I might redo it. It was painted by it's previous owner, not bobamaker. The front part of the helmet looks pretty good (but not accurate), but the back needs some work.
Well, not so much of an progress update, but I did bite the bullet and got myself an airbrush setup that I spent some time playing around with today.

Extra weathering by just misting black on the sidearm

Touching up on the golden brass look of the grip. The paint which was on straight out of the box had faded quite a lot. I might darken it some though, I want my Boba dirty and grimey.

And how it usually spends it's days - sitting on my cabinet
They both look awesome. Like I wrote further up, I dream of the day I have something looking this good.

I'm considering getting an Airbrush myself but know nothing about them. What did you go for and is it a UK model, that looks like a UK plug?
They both look awesome. Like I wrote further up, I dream of the day I have something looking this good.

I'm considering getting an Airbrush myself but know nothing about them. What did you go for and is it a UK model, that looks like a UK plug?

Thanks man! :)

First I watched hours of youtube videos on the subject. Both artistic and scale model-focused. You have a keen eye for more than scopes I see. It is indeed a UK plug on that compressor. I got this kit from the US, which normally comes with a 110V US version compressor, but they carry a 220V version too, so I mailed called them and asked to swap out the 110 V US-version with the 220V for the extra cost, and what I got happened to have a UK plug. I got the kit from TCPGlobal on ebay, but since you're in the UK you might as well order locally from this site which I got my cleaning kit from, which to me seam like a very good european alternative to TCPGlobal.
Everything Airbrush
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