ESB upgrade 12 July: Mannequin rebuild complete and reassembled.


It's coming along very nicely! If I may point out one small thing (sorry to nit-pick)... Your shoulder bells are on backwards. :)
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Doh! I'll need to sort those shoulder bells. **** things don't fit properly anyway. The mannequin's shoulders are just too big. And I'll check out the holes in the missile as well.

More upgrades though! Finally got a helmet with one of the correct chin cups today so I modified the straps to make them more accurate. I will re-do them properly once I get some more bits and pieces in.




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More upgrades though! Finally got a helmet with one of the correct chin cups today so I modified the straps to make them more accurate. I will re-do them properly once I get some more bits and pieces in.

Very nice work and thanks so much for sharing!!

I still have my ESB project in progress and keeping an eye on this thread. Can you tell me where one could get one of these chin cups?


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Just need to keep hunting ebay for vintage riot police helmets until you find the right one. Pester the sellers for more details/photos of the chincups.

I don't believe you will find an accurate set of straps straight off the shelf though, looks like they were modifed for Fett but the modifications are very simple.
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Appreciate all the photos..... also inspires me to keep tweaking mine...... he says as he removes keys off the keyboard.... ;)
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I completely re-did the straps and d-rings for more accuracy and filled/re-drilled all holes for the ear cap screws. Also assembled a 'dummy' RF circuit. Most of this is not permenantly attached and some of it is just temporary until I get more parts in, but I just wanted to see how it looks so far.

I'm really happy with the way it is turning out and must mention that this is a joint UK/Australia effort with BGHunter.

More upgrades to come!




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Some more work on the helmet interior! Acrylic below the MQ1 board, lots of epoxy filler, hex bolts, washers, cheesehead screws, visor clips (still unfinished), and the main plastic ring of the helmet liner has been replaced with an accurate vintage one (again thank you BG Hunter :thumbsup:)...







More still to come....
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How did you attach the helmet plastic ring to the top? I saw some the other day at the hardware store.. Thanks man! This'll be my blueprint for my helmet interior! awesome Job! Especially with the attachments of the T-visor!
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KB u may want to somehow paint the black acrylic under the keyslots i dont think it was black or r u repainting the helmet? Also what r u using for epoxy putty? Im about to do some of this stuff as well, gonna want a list haha...but really looking GREAT
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I haven't attached it yet, but you can see the hot glue on the ends of the black straps on the screen used ESB helmet.

How did you attach the helmet plastic ring to the top? I saw some the other day at the hardware store.. Thanks man! This'll be my blueprint for my helmet interior! awesome Job! Especially with the attachments of the T-visor!
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I was led to believe that in ESB the acrylic was not painted. I used Miliput which is available in white and yellow. I may paint it to better match the original though.

KB u may want to somehow paint the black acrylic under the keyslots i dont think it was black or r u repainting the helmet? Also what r u using for epoxy putty? Im about to do some of this stuff as well, gonna want a list haha...but really looking GREAT
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I was able to break the yelloe Miliput off in almost a whole chunk, unfortunately I have just about every Floquil paint apart from boxcar red!

I mixed the white Miliput with some black paint to make it grey. Took a while to get it mixed evenly though.
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