ESB upgrade 12 July: Mannequin rebuild complete and reassembled.

The old pose was too generic so I'm remodeling the mannequin into something more appropriate. The arms are being repositioned with fiberglass matting and I cut up some of the fingers on the right hand and made them poseable using a metal coat hanger and hot glue. Should look great once the costume is on. Sorry for blur-o-vision!




Also updating my blaster with the new Sidewinder parts. I'm using real glub screws and the steel aircraft clamp which Sidewinder cast for his parts.
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Ah damn! I wanted to see how your mannequin turned out but good luck on the home cinema!
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Still haven't put my ESB Fett back together but I did some more blaster upgrades. Also just got a Clothears flak vest which I'm very impressed with, and put in my order for a pair of MoW boots which I'm looking forward to painting/weathering. These will finally bring my display up to the level I've been hoping for. Only minor upgrades in the future, installing (if I can manage it!) the minilite into the gauntlet plus any more found parts if they are ever identified.

I was sick of the molex plugs forever falling off my blaster so I finally attached them with metal pins.

Finally found a Webley scope that is identical to the traditional ASI. Swapping the scope rings over...

Aircraft clamp:





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Yup there soft parts are excellent,dear tho but you get what you pay for & excellent customer service :-)....nice job with the Webley it is a pain in the ***** when they keep falling
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I think the vest should possibly be bigger/baggier and therefore should be made a few sizes bigger than they are tailoring it to. Looking at the movie and publicity photos anyway it looks a lot baggier than this. This one was made to the mannequin measurements I gave them.

I'm more worried that when I add the jetpack harness it's going to look even worse.
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ESB Boba Fett costume upgrades. Latest upgrade 3 May: MoW boots, RS thrusters

I'm back with another upgrade! Jango Wes boots replaced with MoW. Naturally I had to make new toe plates but finally the toe spikes are pointing forward! Because the spikes are original parts I had them cut at the correct angle even though it meant them pointing in the wrong directions on my old boots.



As they looked on the old boots:

Upgraded the jetpack thrusters with a pair from RS and repaired the badly damaged rocket. Used mostly Floquils.




Fett will be coming out of storage very soon. Just had my garage converted and I'll finally be able to get some of my lifesize figures on display again. I've also made another modification to the mannequin so the left hand is holding the Webley barrel and not the flash tube (always bugged me since that's the way Fett seems to hold it in most photos!)

Oh, and got a metal gauntlet rocket from Dark-Side to add.
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