Selina Kyle from start to finish.

Gotta say amazing work in such a short amount of time... You definetly seem to have an artistic side which is always good to do any kind of original piece if you decided to do the female Mando/Boba. Just make sure if you do it you put a thread up on here lol... BTW diggin' the pj pants, very cute if i may say so :P
hahahaha oh man! i was like where does this guy see my pj pants , i was like oh maybe my video i posted , then i realized i was just in a bra and jeans that day sucha dummy i forgot i posted a pick of me in my long johns !!!! and thank you so much , i will be sure to post anything cool i come up with :-> or lame ... lol
If you live in Northern California, I've got batman covered:


Official Batman for 2006 CA State Fair. This was the Post Office Stamp unveiling


Me in one of the original 60's Batmobile. I got to drive it too.


Me and Caps throwing blows at a Hospital visit


Group pic at the Hospital


Year One Batman


Another group photo Hospital visit

HOLY BATMAN! GREAT SUITS!!! I LOVE THEM! .. and @ slave pilot technically i am not fully healed , so if i get smacked on the nose with a rolled up newspaper after wetting the rug , it hurts a little more then usual.... haha my face fortunately did not get deformed from the accident so im pretty **** lucky especially after all the surgery and junk

1. after attack

2. after surgery

3. werewolf transformation complete.
Oops, That attack was over a year ago. :wacko
I need to brush up on my cyber-stalking skills.:lol:

I Just finished reading up (on the Lair) on the damage you've inflicted on yourself over the last ten years and I gotta say that you've held up quite well.
It was a strange read to say the least, but I can relate
My son is your age and loves to skate. His ankles are really bad off from rolling them, but he won't ever stop. He hasn't hurt himself as badly as you have though
My wife has a very similar scar on her side/back from surgery last year. She also has a keloidal scar (like yours from the knife wound) from one of the chest tubes that she also can't stand. Both of you guys need to realize that the scars don't detract from your beauty, they only make you more interesting.

Since you are relatively new here, I'll go ahead and throw out this disclaimer so you (and anyone else) don't feel as if I'm some kind of creepy perv.
My wife and I have been together since 1985, she is my world . I have no interest in any other woman and never will.
That being said, well done on your costume. You look absolutely stunning.
wow thats nuts i hope your wife is in better health , and i hope your son can keep from getting injured any further , once you start really messing up your legs ...aging really screws you up you legs will always give you problems , your back ... ugh .. its awful , thank you for reading up on my story! i had a lot written down on the lair from what i remember , and a lot of people on the lair had similar stories , a lotta strong people :-> ... it makes me happy to see a loyal person as well ! thank you for the complements on the suit , (and most of us on these forums come off as creeps , its because were so **** nerdy and really interested in the awesome dork stuff people make and wear around )
Oops, That attack was over a year ago. :wacko
I need to brush up on my cyber-stalking skills.:lol:

I Just finished reading up (on the Lair) on the damage you've inflicted on yourself over the last ten years and I gotta say that you've held up quite well.
It was a strange read to say the least, but I can relate
My son is your age and loves to skate. His ankles are really bad off from rolling them, but he won't ever stop. He hasn't hurt himself as badly as you have though
My wife has a very similar scar on her side/back from surgery last year. She also has a keloidal scar (like yours from the knife wound) from one of the chest tubes that she also can't stand. Both of you guys need to realize that the scars don't detract from your beauty, they only make you more interesting.

Since you are relatively new here, I'll go ahead and throw out this disclaimer so you (and anyone else) don't feel as if I'm some kind of creepy perv.
My wife and I have been together since 1985, she is my world . I have no interest in any other woman and never will.
That being said, well done on your costume. You look absolutely stunning.

lovely thing to say S1P, she is a striking looking lady and Great Costume, yep fear of being a creepo, stoped me from sayin so in the introductions,i feel that theres not enough of kind sentiments these days, im Married too, to an beautiful woman that i will never leave, the mother of my chidren, we can actually think what the others thinking sometimes and often catch each other out doing so, and if that is your wife in your website pics and some of your costume forum pics she is a striking beautiful lady as well.:love
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