Need help finding pieces


Jr Hunter
Really sorry if this has already been addressed in another thread, but I can't find it.
I'm looking for the aluminum pieces for my gauntlets and Jet Pack, but I can't seem to find anywhere to order them.
On there's a part with a list of prices but there's nothing listed on the web site except the gauntlet darts from ESB.
Plus to add to the confusion I'm on a budget and hoping to find someone who is casting the pieces out of plastic (which I think whoever did would make a killing).
Thanks for responses ahead of time.
all aluminum parts found here:

jetpack beacon: Serentiy
jetpack stabilizer: Mojo Fett
gauntlet darts: Mojo Fett
gauntlet missile: Dark Side
gauntlet flamethrower: Ebay Evolution, or Ebay Fenixprops
jetpack thruster parts: Dark Side

now, to get these in resin, you need to contact the vendors that actually make the jetpacks and gauntlets...fettpride, Man of War Studios, BobbyFettUK, to name a few...however, to buy just the resin pieces from them may be difficult...i know that some dont do that, just sell the individual pieces...hope that helps...=)
ok so im completely new here, (hi im jenn..) is there anywhere that sells cheap gauntlets? im doing a custom female mando uniform to be auctioned off for charity, and really dont have the money to be spending on awesome ones....
If you want bargains watch the cargo hold. I got my gaunts for $75 (that's cheap) badly painted and needing to be put together. They're vac molded, cheapest kind you can buy. If you're handy, make your own from sintra. Just search gauntlet scratchbuild.
im making everything else out of sintra, but the gauntlets look REALLY complicated, and id reather leave it to just doing refurb work like paint and assembly. thanks for the tips!
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