laces,straps, and backings List-pics and snap tutorial

See, DCB is the magic elf during Christmas time. He has elvin magic. To tell yall the truth, Zam I Ain't just got me a sewing machine for Christmas woohoo! So, the "projects" I have in mind to do, are going to be a slow process due to learning rate. This new machine is going to make me fanatically absorbed in how it works for awhile.

I already cut most of all the laces. I haven't cut the all the straps. I have all the leg belt buckles, snaps and tools, but haven't dyed anything yet or cut out the backings. I cut half of the leg straps on the list. That's where I am at so far... :D See? I have done some things. Hey-- ya'll owe me pics of your painted greebs in the greeb thread. Talk about me being slow! :p
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I finally got to cutting some more lace today. Sorry so slow, I had a major debaucle with some people I know, and have been emotionally distressed.

I have to let you all know that the vest laces have been giving me the most problem. Since the seamstress told me that the back pattern needed to be shortened in width by about 5 inches, some of the laces for the vest have to be made longer, so I have had to re-cut them. You should have just the right length amount of lace for everything listed.

It's also amazing how one mm can throw off everything that's related to it on this costume. :eek:
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Just finished cutting all the laces and straps, and leg belts haven't gotten to the backings, punching holes, inserting snaps,buckles, dyeing or glueing yet. Sigh, this is a lot harder than doing the lace for the skirt! At least the skirt, you don't have to measure things or cut with scissors as much. Cutting with scissors hurts your hands after awhile.
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Thanks for the update ZIA! :D I appreciate all your work on this too!

Oh... and congrats on the new sewing machine! Hope ya have fun with it! :)
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Yeah! I just finished cutting all the backings for the 3 greebs today. I only have this weekend to really work on any Zam stuff. My next two weekends are booked. Hopefully, I can cut the slits to the backings tomorrow and start the dyeing/getting the dye tests right too. Then they will need to dry. Mebbe I could fit an 10 minutes here or there to get the holes punched and snaps in, we'll see. Zam I Ain't is furiously working on some stuff too ;)
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Just to show yall, I haven't been a total slacker

I just finished the slits in the backings today.
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Man, it took me all weekend to just do the dye matching and lexol application. I have yet to seal everything and then, comes the fun part, hacking away at snaps. People say it's a stress reliever... LOL I will be glad when it's done, I only have time on the weekends to do anything now. My real life has gotten really obnoxious.


oops, I didn't get a shot of the football greeb strap dye matched to a real pic. Mebbe later.
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Zam I Am = Slacker! Yep.. first thing I come up with! ;) *just kidding!* Actually, I think I fit more into that category...

That all looks terrific ZamIAm... :D Really it does! Can't wait to see it in person!
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Ok, I put snaps into the top part of the football greeb straps, and into the leg backings, and I assembled the armgreeb straps. Now all I have to do is insert the bottom snaps of the football greebs straps, and glue the buckle and loops onto the leg belt. Everything has been dyed and sealed. Sorry I don't have pics yet. Will do when finished.
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HERE IT IS! Oh, there is one last thing that I haven't done yet, and that is- install snaps on some extra lycra so that you can sew it to your costume, if you don't have a snap setter and hole puncher. I had to hyperlink the image, due to image restrictions, and because my comp is still outta shape.. My image sizer doesn't work. Doh! I left out the vest flap laces - it WILL be included though. But voila!

Enjoy the view! I will let you guys know via email when I am ready to ship. Three of you haven't emailed me yet, so that I can update my outlook address book (since it got wiped out). Here's my addy:
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Ok, so snaps wont work on lycra alone, so I created a page so that you don't have to go out to the store just to buy one snap setter tool, just to install one snap. It does work on neoprene, but I don't have extra of that to give out. I thought mebbe I would snap set it for you, and you could hand sew the lycra to the suit, but lycra stretches too much. So, I will send everyone on the list 3 sets of snaps and some test lycra instead to try it on.
Here's the page.

People on the list, please email me your addresses again thanks! :D
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Hey that's a "Snappy" little tutorial you've got there! :D :D Very nice!

Looking forward to seeing the goods soon! :D
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Just received my "very early" Christmas present yesterday in the mail!

The laces and backings and other goodies are just fantastic Zam I Am! Excellent, excellent work! :D

Now... to have something to put them all on! :eek: :D :D
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Those who haven't paid yet and are on the seamstress list, if you want me to combine the shipping, that's cool. But please email me about the differences in cost.
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