SR V3 Helmet Interiors for FP and other MR based helmets. Progress

Storm, I think I'll be patient and wait for the final pulls instead of taking one of the pre-pros, so please mark me down for 1 (black) set of final product. Thanks!
If you look on the left of the picture is a FP Budget the middle an Asok ILM, and the far right a Marrow Sun V3 notice how small the Asok is in comparison
Everyone wait on paypal for the sign up Im working on a new way to handle these sign ups that could be super if I can finish it quickly, which will handle a lot of the communication part (part i dont have time for at the moment) for me:)

The pieces stop short of the 'cheeks' by about 3/4 of an inc. Meaning more than 1.5 inches total curcumference and the piece still fits. Someone measure from where the cheak starts (earpiece area) all the way around the helmet to the other cheek. This will give me a better feel for how much smaller it actually is inside. It could be deeper for all i know, which would have the same circ.
Due to weather and underwhelmingness im not sure how im going to handle this.

I think you sent me a 10$ dp, which im going to refund shortly.

Im likely going to shoot the prepros that arent sold, onto ebay, and take some time to sort out these projects. Working on the interior of a helmet, is daunting. Its highly likely that the expectations can not be met.

For the amount of time I have in to this project, I just am not seeing the demand that would make me double down at the moment.

Imagine trying to make and distribute a resin product, that is blemish free, out of the mold, and needs 0% filling, sanding, preping. Thats what these have to be to meet expectations, and I just dont think im prepared to handle the dissapointment.

I have a few sets I am going to put on ebay. If that ends up being a simpler outlet, Ill point people there instead.

Ill keep people informed of any progress either way.
It would be a shame to see this project stall.
The work that you have already done looks fantastic.

I hope that you decide to continue so that if I ever decide to build a Mando I can install one of your interiors.


I hope you decide to contiune with this project too because I would have no problem spending the money to get a set from you if it just meant all you had to do was get it out of the mold and ship it "as it is". I would be more than happy to do all the filing and trimming myself just like the typical "kit" requires..
Stormrider I just saw this thread and want to give you a big thumbs up on your work and effort. I am very familiar with the costs and time involved to produce an original work like this and it's a major commitment.

I'm interested in any info on these related to the GMH fit, even if trimming is required. Hopefully you turn a profit, but in any case this is a very respectable project. I think that part of your battle is related to the ultra canon obsessed, but in my opinion this does nothing but make a helmet more interesting. :thumbsup:
Hey SR. Ive been away from TDH for a bit but Im glad to see you're still pluggin away! I have
2 of your older interiors just waiting to be used, I acually toyed with the idea of using some of the pieces
in my xwing bucket, but didnt want to break up a set for that. Im not sure why the interiors would
have to be perfect.....are they not being installed into trooping helmets for the most part? Anyway
I love my 2 interiors, cant wait to get em installed, love the progess picures, youve really mastered
casting in this foamrubber material!
Thanks for the kind words all.

The jist is, that withs soft rubber, you get a little pocking, a few bubbles etc. They arent possible to fill. They just have to be so close to perfect that people are more awed than dissapointed:)

miqt, i think i have some leftovers from the old kits. Ill take a look. I ws going to do a massive junk sell real soon. I have so many pairs of almost perfect foams, blasters, knee pads, hics you wouldnt believe it. I know for a fact I have some old kit parts left, I just saw them yesterday.

Im hoping once I sell all the prepro stuff i did, I can make a mold, and move forward again. Slowly:)

If I can get my hands on one of the new helmets i could tell you if they would fit. If someone can take a measurement for me, that would be stellar. Needs to be from cheek to cheeck aroudn the lower edge. Then from lowest part below the keyslots to the detail ring around the tome.

The dome likely WONT fit, but i could create the parts that go in the dome as pieces instead of a dome, and they could be glued in.

More later.
I still say they are really awesome kits. The really can work for any bucket, just don't expect a drop in solution. You can take a Xacto or scissors and trim out the greebs you want.
I have a couple of kits left that have a few backing bubbles. Im going to sell those for 75, like my original kits were, They will work as is, and can be trimmed to pieces to be put in iwthout the liner (flat) parts.

If anyones interested in the states for 75 shipped pm me, and ill shoot them off. Mixed color.

Im still working on the parts, this weekend im hoping it stay warm, because its getting weather time to start working on this stuff.

I'm brand new to TDH and haven't decided which helmet to start with yet. So I don't want to commit to purchasing a kit from you yet.

However, I did want to say your work is INCREDIBLE! I remember seeing you post over at the RPF before. It's been a while though. Just blown away by your work here.

Thanks for the kind words from everyone.

Ive decided to offer a $100 kit instead of $150.

Looking at:
Cheeks, forehead, rear wrap-arounds and rubber greebles OR thin dome line and the center gear from the last kit.

I had someone that sent me a $10 deposit for the list, i have to figure out who that was. The feedback that ive gotten so far is that the kits are working out nicely and I want to get the kits out.

Im sure that sounds better. as soon as I get the templat efor the GMH ill know better as to how it will fit.
Ok 3 sets here ready to ship. If your ready for one send me a pm. Firt come first served. I

Specify if you want the liner or just the details of the dome in rubber

100 shipped. All black.
I have two sets remaining and am wondering if I should make any more. Anyone still interested in these or should I bank the molds.

100 shipped - all black. Also posting in ch.
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