Rogue Studios' ESB Color list & Painting Techniques

crazy4BobaFett said:
At least someone used the search function! Yeah!!
Yes add it to the top stickey! Please
Great point Maul!!

This thread has been stuck at the top of the Helmet forum for the past month or so. :) But thanks for support.
Lee told me to mention that Doped Linen is (probably) wrong, he just hasnt had time to go back and research that particular colour lately. So I guess the way to go about that colour is to experiment. Let us know what you decide to use Gator :)
I bought the Panzer Dunkelgelb 1943, but its not right either. It is a little better than the Doped Linen, but it is too green, and does not match. I also picked up a bottle of Sand, to try Darth Millers mix, since I already have the Up Armor Yellow.

The Sand is very light, so I went 2 parts Sand to 3/4 parts Up Armor Yellow. It worked out to about the right tint of color but it was too bright. I added in a few drops of Black to tone it down a bit, and it looks pretty good.

While I was at the hobby shop I noticed a few collors in the "desert cammo" line that look real close. IIRC there was a color called Desert Sand that was darker than plain Sand and may be closer to what we are looking for. Next time I make it to the store I am going to pick up a bottle and give it a try.

I used Model master "Sand", mix in a little testors "panzer dark yellow" and also mixed in a little model masters "euro dark green." In the reference pics you can see that though it's light, there is a hint of green in there.
To echo the toughts from previous posts, I think the ESB Armour, gauntlets, and JP are all the same color as the helmet dome/cheeks.

So far, I used testors spray enamels (flat SAC Bomber green) on my bucket, so I think that's what I'll do for the rest of the armour (ESB) but one thing eludes me... A good color for the back of the bucket. I read that Euro dark green is the accepted color. What would be the equivalent to the floquil bottled acrylics? I'm thinking the Modelmaster Euro green might work, yes/no?

When I'm finished, I'm going to make a colour chart of spray cans that can be used without an airbrush and/or mixing. Several people I think, have asked for this method, so it's a bit of an experiment.


edit: ModelMaster Euro Green is not in a spray... crud, that sets me back... Any suggestions?
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Does anyone have any more tips on making the colors "deeper" as it says in the tutroial at (esb)? Do I use the dullcote after I put the main colors on, then make the colors "deeper" then dullcote again if I am going topical???
Hurm.... in some shots, the dome looks the same color as the chest armour, pack and gauntlets. In some the chest pieces look like the brighter, medium green.... I wish there was an exhibit with the ESB used armor. (chest, gauntlets, cod, pack) That woould solve everything! Look:


OK, I'm sure this is common knowledge, but the ESB armour is not the same as ROTJ... Colour-wise tat is. The ROTJ armour is definately the Med Green, wereas the ESB armour matches the dome/cheek color closer. Some pieces do look different tints, but the same general range. The scarring is also different between styles. Look:

It's all in the weathering I promise. Although the armor is a different color than helmet it's going to be difficult to definitively say what color is correct for ESB armor. I would say whatever looks good to you but weathering it is key and finding out the color under the weathering.

Peace out

Question to any and all: I got a bottle of Boxcar Red from the Testors website, but it's kind of dull looking. Upon further inspection, the list in the first post recommends enamel, and looking at the bottle I got, it's acrylic. I haven't tested it out yet, but I was just wondering if anyone else had used acrylic Boxcar Red and what the results were.
The acrylic boxcar red is a little dull, even when dried. A lot of people have brightened it up with other reds. I'm not sure if the enamel is any brighter.
Sorry to double post, but instead of creating a whole new topic I thought I'd just ask here again. I tried out the Boxcar Red acrylic without altering the color, and it did come out a little dull, thought I'd ask for some expert opinion. I'm thinking I might try to come up with a batch of a slightly brighter red and try that out. Any thoughts?
I bought my helemet already painted, but i used box car red enamel "brushed on" on my jet pack. The green i used was wrong "testers US GREEN in a rattle can" but the red came out very nice. Somebody correct me if i'm wrong but i believe that the "polly scale" is acrylic and the "floquil" brand is enamal
patiam69 said:
Somebody correct me if i'm wrong but i believe that the "polly scale" is acrylic and the "floquil" brand is enamal

You are correct, sir. I mistakenly tried to mix a custom color one time using a Polly S. blue and a Floquil red. . . the results were unsuccessful.

After I had shaken the mixture up, the paints looked up at me and said, "Well that didn't work out like you thought, did it!" :D
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