4-LOM 4-Lom in progress

Well the LOM series droid is a protocol droid like the 3PO series droid from a competitor so he is very similar to the 3PO droid just a different maker
hey I know this one :D

It's a beautiful droid, but guys, if you knew how long this is in the making and how much elbow grease of a whole bunch of people went into it... you'd appreciate it even more! Great job really :)
wow great costume man, simply amazing work....that rust looks real...i still think 4lom and dengar are lame bh'ers lol..c3po isnt scary and is slow and useless and 4lom is 3po with zuckus head so he prob cant move his arms much...what if he drops his gun?...dengar is storm trooper armor with a towel around his head...guess they ran out of time before they had to start shooting the movie
Well, I am a newbie here and came / want to be here because I hope to someday get or build a 4-LOM costume (I still call it Zuckuss) :rolleyes Honestly, I am inept at projects like this but REALLY want to do it. If anyone has any suggestions about where to start buying parts or a suite please let me know. Why this character? Have been fascinated with his look for ages, since ESB, which is why it has been my vintage Star Wars collecting focus for years now. Thank you, JT
Thanks! Hopefully someday I can have a costume like this, just unsure about how I would EVER be able to put something together without help.:( Al lot of it!
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