

New Hunter
Im Thinking about making a Beskad/Vibro sword for my next project, does anyone have any ideas on how to make it or any thoughts on the design? I was thinking about making it With Sheet Plastic (idk if thats the right name) or something i'll post pics as soon as i get started :D

ps. this is my first post :D woot mand'ade
Congrats on the first post!

Not sure how much prop building experiance you have... so forgive me.

If by sheet plastic you mean Sintra? (its the most commom plastic you hear about on the board) I would not recomend it. What makes it great for helmets is its malleability. This property would not help a prop sword especialy if you plan on taking it any place hot. Heat and sintra do not mix well and even when we use it in making our buckets we reinforce it with fiberglass to make it sturdy.

If you have some thing else in mind then Ignore the rest of this post

I look forward to seeing this project goes though. I have some Ideas about how one would look I would like to see one realized.
yea lol. sorry about the name i posted this when i was half asleep and i couldn't remember the name for anything >.< i think i'll probly end up doing to out of wood or soemthing. does anyone have any Refrence pics or pics of ones they've alread made becouse i can't find any anywhere.

Thanks for the help so far, and sorry for been a noob :P
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To my knowledge, there aren't any pics of a true Beskad out there. We've just heard about them in books...but never seen one. They aren't very long, and are thick so they can be used almost like a hammer. A kukuri type blade was what Karen was trying to liken it to.
ok well i went with wood but didn't have my Zig saw so i had to do all this with a hand saw so its not that good, but im going to go though and paint a silver blade on it and do some Mando'a on it. Its not the best but i like it :P im going to try and make a better one soon, i hope :P


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