Another EBAY thing


Active Hunter
Ok, maybe I'm just missing something here or doing my math wrong but I need someone to either point out my mistakes or let me know I have a bone to pick with ebay.

Ok my buddy Anthony remakes old style postal messenger bags. I sell some for him with my ebay account. Anyhow, I recently sold one for $250 for him and the final value fee came to 19.99, this doesn't count the listing fees.

According to ebay's thing, If...

1.You sell an item for $60.00
2.For the first $25.00 you pay 8.75%, which is $2.19
3.For the remaining $35.00 you pay 3.50%, which is $1.23
4.For this item the final value fee is $3.42 ($2.19 + $1.23)

Now I'm coming up with a total of around $10.06 for my last auction I did for my buddy. He pays me back for all fees but I think theres almost a $10.00 over paid fee please tell me if I'm doing this wrong.
If you list the item in 2 sections if doubles the listing fee I believe. I ran across this problem to and couldnt figure out why it was sooooo expensive. Just list it in one section but be specific in your description of the item in the title.
Here we go again! Ebay finding EVERY possible way to charge sellers. I used to love ebay...I absolutely despise it after I become a regular seller.
Just contacted them... it was a goof. they have credited it back to me... guess they figured I wouldn't look into it or something..

Very good. I think you are dead on. some people would just be like, "Eh....I guess that's the cost of doing business" and then get the shaft. They make it sooooo easy to pay fees yet very complicated to find out WHY you are paying fees.
hate e bay. hate pay pal even more. I only do bussiness by money order. Yeah I know ya really have to trust the vendor. Guess that's why I buy most of my stuff from people on TDH cause it all about the trust Baby!
Ebay owns PayPal which make the situation even worse. Listing Fees, Final Value Fee and then all the Paypal fees all in one transaction. The final value fees is the biggest BS. I hate using Ebay, you are better off selling on here and selling for a little less then you want then getting taken by all the fees.
My old boss had a saying: "I provide a service here, in which your funds are transferred quickly from your pocket to mine...for a 'small' fee."
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