Lev'ika's Custom Mando Art

Sorry again! The internet connection is being more than frustrating! :( its been doing this for awhile now but anyway.... too the sketch!

Im just gonna say, this is definatly not my best sketch of all time but hey, its been a week since ive done one about :D

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not really on this one no :( i kinda rushed this one i know i shouldnt have but.... U WERE BEATING ME :lol: :D

Im trying it out and its a really good technique! :D
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lol believe it or not... it's really fast! u pose ur figure in wire frames (and get your proportions set) then... simply draw the anatomy over the frame, then add the armor and clothes, weapons and accessories are after that and then of course add your background in and color it up. the same set of markers I use are available over at Michael's for around $20. But hey... keep up the good work ner vod!
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Hey everyone :D i was wondering if anyone could give me a few creative ideas for sketchs :) im kinda braindead right now! school kills the brain at first :(

But ya im open to any creative ideas :D you could pm me or something :D thanks
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Oh and FYI i am doing a sketch for Nevu440 as well so dont be afraid to ask for requests :D

Nevu's will be done in a few days and i am pretty much am brain dead at the moment for the other ones :D the ideas i had for them just kinda freezed in my brain :/ so we'll see if i can recover them :lol:

but ya any requests? dont let me get bored now! :D
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one for you, my cousin, another for me, a neo crusader, and if i missed anyone please remind me

It is very busy in real life right now so gets the small things done is becoming difficult, but dont worry :D ill finish

And i still need requests, drawing helps me get my mind off other stuff :D
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lol i know the feeling... haven't had time the last few days to draw anything and they're piling up. Which one is it u're wanting me to color? I already have ur first sketch for me on my computer and I know the colors so I can color it myself fairly quickly if that works for u.
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YES! that would be perfect :D

and if you have time at all, could you color the one i did for maron sol :D right now that is my favorite sketch i've done

But you really dont need too :lol: I would love to see the color so I can tell if it looks good with my sketchs and if its worth purchasing :D

thanks a billion :D
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yup no problem... I actually like doing the marker coloring a lot... it's a barrel of monkeys it really is! lol
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