Sci-Fire animated armor

Null 11

New Hunter
Just wanted to let you all know that I've spoken with Marcello and he said that the Sci-Fire animated style armor should be out and ready in the July-August timeframe. If you want to check it out, click the link. They already have the helmets all done up. If interested, speak with Marcello aka tk1389 at
WOW thank you guys for the kind words, and Sorry to let you down on this armor. I had life that hit hard, and had to make some adjustments but finally it's on track. All aside I will be posting up a thread on this armor :) yay... it's finally done and have a few sets pulled and will be trying them on some guys at our squad meeting tomorrow. Just glad that this and other projects are finally done.

Here are some pictures I found of the molding process a few weeks ago...


The greebs for the ARC helmet and com pad :)





Enjoy I will start a WIP on this next week here and at
I'm glad to see you're going to make this. I have the Sci-Fire Phase II armor (Ep. III) and it is nothing short of amazing.
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It's been awhile since I've seen the G2 animated stuff but its always thoroughly impressive, Marcelo and Lawrence put a lot of resources and time into this project and its a delight to finally see it come to fruition.
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